A Heartbreaking Event

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Roman cried, heart breaking as he pulled the lifeless body of his boyfriend close to him. With tears streaming down his cheeks and Logan holding him back, the oldest Black brother watched the devastating scene from a distance.

"No. Virgil, you can't leave me..." sobbed the hunter. 

"I love you..."

//-12 hours earlier-\\

Virgil Black woke after a comfortable night, sleeping with Roman. Sitting up, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and stretched.

"Good morning..." he said quietly to Roman, who was just now stirring beside him.

With a groan, the boy wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist. 

"Five more minutes..." he grumbled.

It was an hour later when the two boys were actually up and dressed. As Roman sat at the kitchen island, shovelling spoonful after spoonful of cereal into his mouth, Virgil sipped some   O-neg from a mug. Glancing around, it became evident to the couple that they were the only two in the house. Mrs Prince was nowhere to be found.

"Where's your mother, Ro? It's not like her to leave without leaving a note for us."

Finishing his breakfast, the young Prince shrugged, getting up and placing his dishes in the sink.

"Maybe she has left a note that we just haven't seen yet?" he suggested, though he phrased it more like a question.

Virgil stood and, within seconds returned, having checked the whole house. Shaking his head, he jumped up onto the counter.


"Hmm. That's weird."

Roman went to look at the calendar that was hung up on the wall by the front door.

"Oh, damn. I totally forgot."

Tilting his head, the confused vampire looked at him. 

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"About a week ago, I promised my mother that I'd help her out at her store. She always goes in early and I'm supposed to meet her there in..."

He looked at the clock. 

"...an hour."

Virgil nodded slightly, taking a seat on the couch.

"How long will you be gone?"

Looking at the clock again, Roman mumbled quietly to himself, trying to work it out.

"If my math is correct which, I'm pretty sure it is, then I'll be back in about 10 hours. My mother will get home about half an hour after I do."

"Alright then. See you later."

As Roman left and Virgil was on his own, the vampire decided to clean the house up a bit so that it'd be nice for the Prince's when they got back from a long, hard day of work. When he was done, the place was spotless and Virgil laid down on the couch, ready to take a well-deserved nap. A loud bang startled the boy, waking him about an hour before Roman was due home.

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