Leaving Him Behind

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It had been a few hours since the incident and Virgil was sat by the bedroom window with his hood up, staring out of it towards the forest. After he'd calmed down, he had immediately pulled away from Roman and kept his distance, not uttering a word.

Making his way home from his trip to get some blood for Virgil, the young Prince thought about how he could make things better. He smiled as he arrived at the house and headed up to his room.


No response was heard so he continued talking.

"I got you something to drink... I don't know why I said something." he spoke between nervous laughs.

"It's blood. Obviously it's blood. I mean, what else would it b-"

Virgil cut Roman off.

"I'm full."

Sighing, he stood up and looked over at Roman, putting the hood of his jacket down.

"You know that better than anyone. After all, I did almost kill you." he reminded sadly.

"You don't need to worry about that, Vee. I know that it wasn't your fault."

Roman stepped towards him, a small yet reassuring smile on his face. He gently caressed Virgil's cheek, making the vampire flinch. Feeling dejected, he allowed his hand to drop down by his side. His smile was replaced with a frown.

"Okay, you win. I'll stay away from you if that's really what you want..."

Watching Roman walk away made a bad feeling pool in Virgil's stomach. Once the bedroom door had closed, meaning he was alone, Virgil sat down on the bed.

"Mom. Virgil hates me." stated Roman as he collapsed onto the living room couch beside her.

He grabbed the remote out of his mother's hands and switched off the television having gotten no response.

"Are you even listening to me?" he asked, desperation clear in his voice.

From upstairs, Virgil was listening to the conversation.

"You're overreacting."

Roman shook his head and was now pacing back and forth in front of his mother, who was calmly sat on the couch.

"I'm not. I swear he hates me. He won't let me go near him, and if I try to, he just freaks out. I don't know how to make things better. Virgil means so much to me... I love him for goodness sake. I can't handle not being near him. I can't stand having him hate me."

His mother stood up and made him stop pacing by placing her hands on his shoulders, holding him at arms length, looking him in the eyes.

"You need to calm down. You need to listen closely to what I'm about to say, alright?"

Nodding, Roman took deep breaths, slowly relaxing. He let his mom guide him back to the couch, they sat down together and she gently held his hands.

"First of all, trust me when I say that Virgil does not hate you. Second, the freaking out is to be expected. After what happened this morning, he probably just needs some space, the poor boy is terrified of hurting you again, that's all. Give it time, things will work themselves out. Everything is going to be okay..."

Roman smiled slightly, hugging his mother tightly.

"Thank you..." he whispered.

Tears had filled Virgil's eyes as he listened to the words spoken by Roman's mother. Now, they were making their way down his pale cheeks as he packed up the things of his that had accumulated in the room since the first night he'd stayed there. He did need time, Roman's mother was right about that. Until he could learn to control himself, he had to leave. Walking over to Roman's desk, he picked up a pen and wrote a note on a page in one of the notebooks that was open on the wooden surface. He ripped the page out and set it on Roman's pillow before leaving silently through the bedroom window.

'I never wanted to hurt you, and I can't risk it happening again. I have to stay away from you for a little while. Just until I've learnt how to control myself. I love you.'

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