Treacherous (4)

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Chapter Four is here! And it's long! :D

This chapter is dedicated to shy_98 who's a great friend of mine! Happy Birthday shy_98! I might not be updating for a while because my exams are starting soon. So till then, read, comment, vote, fan and enjoy! 

Quote: "Many things are not as they seem: The worst things in life never are."

"What?" Jeremy asked watching the furious expression on my face. I stared at him for minutes deciding whether or not to bring up the subject. I didn't know what to think but I was confused and I wanted answers. Almost a year of being ignored had drove me insane.

"Who is she?" I asked folding my arms around my chest in an attempt to look confident.

"Who?" he asked like he couldn't care less. His expression was one of annoyance.

"The one you had dinner with," I told him. I wished I wasn't wrong but I knew Jennifer would never lie to me. He looked at me questioningly obviously wondering how I knew.

"Oh her? She's an old friend," he said leaning against the wall. So Jennifer was right.

"So you couldn't tell me you were having dinner with an old friend, Jeremy?" That was a serious accusation and I wondered if I was wrong. Yes, maybe it was wrong, accusing him all of a sudden but it just slipped.

"Excuse me?"  Jeremy asked straightening up. He was now looking at me with a grim expression on his face, his eyes dark and his jaw clenched. I couldn't stop now. I finally had his attention.

"So how do you explain the smell of perfume on you when you came home the other night?" I tried to keep my voice steady.

"Stop asking me nonsense questions," he scolded as if I had gone mad, as if I was a child.

"You don't have to lie," I said rather firmly.

"I am not lying, Alison. Why don't you get it?" his voice was louder and I could tell he was mad now.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked hoping my voice didn't sound desperate.

"Doing what?" he asked shrugging his shoulders.

"You know what. You go out with other women and lie to me and"

"I don't go out with women. I went to dinner with her because she's an old friend. We weren't even having a nice time. I have you, don't I?" I couldn't tell if he was lying but his voice had been sharp.

"You don't care about me anymore," I finally stated, trying to stop the tears forming in my eyes. I couldn't let him know how weak I felt.

"Of course I do. What the hell is up with you?" His tone was harsh. He rarely used that kind of tone with me but I had been getting many surprises in the past year.

"You don't." I almost yelled thinking of how nice he used to be. I was scared of what he might say now.

"I do and if you think I don't, fine, be that way," he snapped before turning to leave. I wanted to punch him, real hard.

"You can't run away like that. Why are you doing this?" I asked grabbing his arm roughly. Jeremy looked at my hand on his arm then at me. He was taller than me and even though I wasn't really short I felt small under his stare.

"Because you're...," he trailed off as if he was stopping himself from saying something extremely rude. 

"What did I do? You're the one who's changed. Not me," I retorted back. Jeremy glared at me making me shrink back, retreating my hand from his arm.

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