Let Her Go (11)

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Quote: “Deceiving others. That is what the world calls a romance.” -Anonymous

A week passed and Jeremy and I were doing great. There was no mention of Candice. I didn’t want to talk about her anyway. Whenever I mentioned her, I noticed Jeremy become tensed and visibly irritated so I finally stopped pestering him and thought that whatever he was hiding, he’d tell me when he felt like it.  Jeremy and I were like we used to be, happy and blissful. It was almost hard to believe we were finally okay. After such a long period of silence, misunderstandings and pointless problems which kept arising out of nowhere, things were looking better.

Jeremy was back to his old self, back to the man I used to love so much and still did. It was a bit surprising at first because I thought we wouldn’t ever be the same again. His cold demeanor had hurt me bad and he knew it, at least he said so. Sometimes when I thought about it, my heart still ached at the harsh words and cold replies but I had to let them go; though somehow I couldn’t. Maybe one day I would, hopefully.

I sighed as I saw the crowded roads, traffic was not on my side today. I had woken up with a bad headache in the morning because I had stayed up late working on my company’s upcoming project. Jeremy had suggested I call in sick today but I couldn’t do that especially when the dead line of the project launch was so close. Reluctantly, I had dragged my butt out of bed and consumed two tablets of Advil. Jeremy had frowned when he saw me getting ready for work but I didn’t give in to his offer of staying home.

 People going for work, children going to school, people opening their shops ready to start a new day. Aside from the headache, I felt content and calm, two emotions I hadn't been feeling for the past few weeks. Somehow, I had managed to forget about all my troubles.

“Good morning Mrs. Alistair.” I was greeted by Laura when I finally made it to work. I smiled warmly at her as I took the coffee she offered me.

Work wasn’t always easy. People treated me like I was royalty because of Jeremy and his money but I always brushed it off and went about my way. 

“Morning, Laura. How’re you doin’?” I asked Laura as I made my way into my office with her following behind. I placed the files I was holding on the desk and turned around to face her. She informed me of all the meetings I had today and I tried to concentrate on work.

Around midday, Laura entered the office again. I nodded at her to wait while I talked on phone. After a few minutes, I concluded the call and looked up at her, questioningly. Did I miss a meeting or something? Wasn’t it my lunch break?

“There’s some who wants to see you,” Laura replied, fiddling with the locket around her neck. I raised an eyebrow at her.

“Who is it?” I was hoping I’d skip out to the nearest café and get something to eat or ask Laura to get something for me but that wasn’t going to happen, clearly.

“Some man named Christian,” she replied as she stood by the door. A smile tugged at the corner of my lips at thought of Christian. I hadn’t met him in a while because I had been so busy and he had been too, I supposed, he hadn’t tried to contact me either. After that horrible night when we kissed I found it hard to look him in the eye or even talk to him.

“Alright. I’ll see him. Let him in,” I said and Laura left the office. A few seconds later, Christian entered the office, a bright smile on his face. He was wearing a dull blue t-shirt with black jeans.

“Hey,” I said offering him a small smile of my own as he sat down on one of the comfortable chairs.

“Hi, how are you?” he asked, placing his hands on the chair arms.

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