Cause I'm Only Human (20)

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Chapter Twenty

Sunday was no different from the other weekdays because I still had nothing to do. I was bored out of my mind and yearned to go back to work and sit at my desk. Georgina had not called again and neither had Jeremy, which bugged me a little to be honest because I missed him. I had spent Saturday thinking about my phone call with him and trying to recall if he had said anything that indicated he missed me too but nothing. He hadn't said anything about missing me or wanting me back.

Cut him some slack, Alison. He's begged enough times.

As I watched the news, I decided to go outside, maybe do a little shopping. It would do me a little good. I thought about inviting Georgina along. She could use a distraction. If she refused and I would understand why, I could just go alone. Taking off the baggy top that I was wearing, I hunted around for my favorite blue dress and put it on. Just as I was looking for my phone to call Georgina, there was a knock on the door. I jumped, dropping the phone and groaned. The sound of the knock had disturbed the eerie silence of my room and startled me.

Who can it be?

I didn't recall ordering Room Service.  I went to the door and opened it. A shocked gasp left my lips as I saw who it was at the door. My eyes widened and my heart beat raced, a million times per second.

"Jeremy?" my voice was one of disbelief and shock.

"Hey gorgeous," Jeremy smiled, his eyes shining with amusement, apparently enjoying my astonishment. I was feeling a little overwhelmed, I hadn't been expecting to see him anytime soon and my heart was jumping with joy. A different expression came over his face and he leaned forward. Before I could say anything, he was kissing me, his soft lips against mine and the world stopped. It was sweet and short. To my disappointment it ended quicker than I would have liked it to.

I blinked rapidly."Wha-what are you doing here?"

"Let me in first. I'll tell you everything," he said warmly and I stepped aside to let him. I was glad I'd cleaned my room this morning out of boredom. He sat down on the couch and looked at me, after a minute, I sat down beside him. I looked at him attentively.

"I was worried about George," he started, "she's not coping well and I think she really needs me right now so I decided to take break from work and come here. Meet you and spend a little quality time with my family." I nodded.

We were silent for a little while and then he spoke.

"Were you going out somewhere?" he said, motioning his head toward me. I looked down at my dress.

"Oh no, I was just going to go shopping with Georgina," I said, aware of his gaze on me. I have to keep calm. "I haven't called Georgina yet. I didn't want to disturb her."

"You know what? I think you shouldn't call her right now," he replied, a grave expression on his face. Had something happened to her? I watched him waiting for him to say more.

"I'll take you out shopping and then we can have dinner together. What do you think?" His tone was casual and he seemed completely at ease with what he was saying.

"Alright. If you say so."

I wasn't protesting. I didn't even feel a hint of annoyance towards him that I had felt the last time we had been this close. My anger had drained away and morphed into acceptance. I wanted to work things out now, for better or for worse.

"Are you ready then?" he asked me, a gentleness in his voice.

I nodded and then stood up. "Let's go."

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