Everybody Hurts (1)

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Hey there! Here is chapter one! The previous chapter was in Candice's POV. This one is in the main character's POV which is Alison :) Hope you like it. I won't be updating for a while because my exams are starting next week. Sigh. Anyways, vote, comment but most importantly, enjoy! :D 

This chapter is dedicated to a good friend of mine.

Chapter One

Alison’s POV

I didn’t like Saturdays. They were weird days, there was no usual excitement like there was on Fridays and no grumpiness like there was Mondays. I didn’t like Mondays either. I would rather jump in a river than face Mondays.

As I walked down the aisle the warm summer air brushed against my skin, making my baby blue dress flutter slightly. I knew exactly where to go. This was my usual place for grocery shopping. I knew the names of all of the people that worked there. I probably even had all the aisles memorized. I would always turn up here once a week mainly because Green High Mart was the biggest super mart in the whole city.

For other people, it was easy to think that I had the perfect life. Which was, ofcourse, a huge misjudgement.

I would have to hurry up and get home soon if I wanted to talk to Jennifer. She was returning from her holiday in Paris with her boyfriend.

Jennifer was my high school best friend; she was a crazy and happy person. She complained about the silliest things but that was who she was. She was only a year younger than me but I was sure I looked a lot older than her. Maybe because I was married and she was not.

Why does marriage make you old?

After finally deciding what to buy for dinner, I walked up to the counter and placed my items of choice in front of the man.

"You've been gone for a while?" the old man at the counter asked, packing up my things. I had seen him a couple of times before but right now I just couldn’t remember his name.

Damn my memory.

 "Yeah, I guess." I smiled back.

As soon as my bags were packed and handed to me, I made my way back to my black car. I knew there was absolutely no way he would be home soon. He was never around. I felt lonely and never had anyone to talk to after I came home from work. Work was just an excuse for both of us to get some space - more for him to keep his space from me. For the thousandth time I wondered what I had done to deserve this punishment. To be punished emotionally.

On reaching my house - mansion to be precise - I got out, having no trouble in managing my things. I had never bothered the many servants in the house. I liked doing my work. I was greeted by a cheerful and happy Emily who was one of the many ladies who worked in the house.

"Oh, I always wonder why you bother to get groceries yourself. You can always tell me." Emily smiled at me taking the goodies from my hands.

"It's the least I can do. You people do so much for Jeremy and me," I replied, honestly. Every room of the large house was managed by the servants while only a couple of rooms were ever used by Jeremy and me. How much space do two messed up people need anyway?

"Well, I’ll be going upstairs to take a bath. I might take long," I said turning to leave for my room. I heard Emily mumble a goodbye behind me as I entered my room. She was a really sweet, compassionate person, and a marvelous cook to top it all off. I liked talking to her, to hear her stories of country life and her very large family.

My room was very picturesque with a large bed in the middle and light green wallpaper to complement the elegant dark mirror on the side. Pretty embroided sheets covered the bed with an equally exquisite carpet on the marble floor.

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