Fix a Heart (14)

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Chapter Fourteen

I really miss you, girl. I wish you were here so I could comfort you. I feel really bad about all of this. I visited Jeremy at work today. He wasn’t there and he wasn’t home either. I’m worried about him. Please take care of yourself.

I re-read the text from Jennifer for the fourth time. She’d sent it in the evening when I had been watching a movie, well not technically watching, staring at the screen but lost in my own thoughts. I hadn’t felt like texting back at all. It was mostly because I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know how to reply to her text. I didn’t want to talk to anyone right now but she was pushing me and so was Georgina. She’d called me in the morning and at first I didn’t pick up but she was persistent so when I finally did, she just wanted to confirm if I was up for tonight.

And of course, I said yes.

Groaning, I finally decided to text Jennifer back.

I miss you too. Don’t worry about me. I’m fine.

I sent it quickly before I changed my mind and added something about Jeremy. I just hoped she’d understand. Deep down, it felt like Jennifer had something to tell me but she wasn’t saying it. I didn’t want to know anyway, maybe that was selfish but I didn’t. My life was a real mess and I didn’t want to burden myself with her mess too. But then again, Jennifer never got herself into any kind of mess.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I did one last check in front of the mirror and then went to open the door. I knew who it was.

“Hi!” Georgina exclaimed as soon as I opened the door. She jumped up and then hugged me. She was so hyper it made me feel weird. Her red hair were draped across her shoulders in curls. She was wearing a bright blue tank top with skinny jeans and long boots. She really was dressed for a nightclub.

“Hey, come on in. Let me just get my phone and we’ll go,” I said as she I retreated from her hug. I turned and made my way towards my bed, picked up my phone and shoved it into my pocket.

“So I have my car and I’ll drive,” she said as we went down the elevator.

“Sure,” I replied.

The night was warm and I felt hot. I wasn’t feeling like going out at all but I was willing myself to believe some good could come out of this. Georgina kept talking all the way to the club and I tried to listen even though it was hard because she wasn’t a good driver and I had to look out for any car that we could crash into.

When we finally reached the club, I was thankful that the queue to the club wasn’t long. Music was blaring so loud that I swear I felt the ground vibrating. It didn’t take us long to get inside the club but it took me a while to get used to my new surroundings. The place was packed, full of people drinking themselves stupid, bodies dancing against each other and strangers hooking up.

Georgina seemed pretty excited to be there but I wasn’t feeling so good. This wasn’t my element. I wasn’t the kind of girl who liked to party. Sure, I used to party way back in high school and college but after that I hadn’t done it. Georgina pulled me towards the bar and the bartender immediately served us two tequila shots. I downed mine without a word and grimaced at the taste.

That is why I hate alcohol.

“Your boyfriend isn’t going to be here, is he?” I asked Georgina in a higher than normal tone.

“No, no. He isn’t my boyfriend. He’s just this guy I umm..met here a few days ago and haven’t seen him since,” she trailed off looking around once again.

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