Another Love (17)

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Chapter Seventeen

A annoying beeping sound jerked me up from slumber and I sat up in bed, looking around intently. Where the hell was I? I rubbed my eyes as I observed my surroundings. I had a real dream about being back home and sleeping in my own bed while people sang songs around my bed. That was definitely weird. My eyes adjusted to the beautiful furniture of the room and the open door of the balcony. Sunlight was streaming in and I realized how hot it was. Throwing off the covers, I scrambled for my phone under my pillow.

Last night's events came back to me in the rush and I froze. My gaze fell to the other side of the bed which was untouched. He hadn't slept on the same bed as me, I realized. There were no pillows or sheets on the floor either.

I was confused. Where did Jeremy sleep last night? I wondered to myself and most importantly where was he?

Our conversation from last night swirled into my mind and I shook my head. I couldn't think about those things now. I got out of bed and reached for my phone. There were a few missed calls from Christian and Jennifer. There were another dozen texts waiting to be read. There was nothing from Jeremy. There was another package on the table beside where my phone had been and a neatly folded paper. I picked both of the things up and flipped the paper open. I immediately recognized Jeremy's neat handwriting.

Dear Alison,

By the time you read this, I'll be gone. Does that sound too dramatic? I wish yesterday had been different. It would have made things a whole lot easier but the consequences weren't right. I just hope that one day you will find yourself to forgive me.

 Anyway, I hope you like your gift.

Yours forever,


My heart beat quickened and I felt my hands quivering a little as I picked up the blue velvet box in my hands. I gently opened the box and my breathing hitched. There was a beautiful locket lying in the box. I picked it up and held it close, it was shining in the light of the sun, the diamonds studded around, glinting. It was really different. A circle, moon, enclosed in a star. It was by far, the most beautiful thing anyone had ever given to me. 

Without any other thought, I slipped the locket onto my neck. I went to the bathroom and returned, still mesmerized by the beauty of it. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I still wasn't sure how I felt about it.

I could hear chattering downstairs and I brushed my hair before going downstairs. Georgia and Brent were seated on the counter while Aunt Helen was busy making breakfast.

"Good morning," I mumbled and they looked up at, smiling. I sat down beside Brent and poured myself a glass of water.

"Morning," Brent replied, drinking his coffee, the same time as Aunt Helen did. Everyone seemed too quiet this morning and I was beginning to suspect Jeremy really had left. The morning newspaper was placed in front of Brent.

"Hey, Jer left something for you over there" Georgina told me, pointing towards the far end of the counter. My head shot up at the mention and Brent passed over the package to me. I knew what it is, a box of my favorite chocolates wrapped beautifully. If there was anything yesterday had been missing, it was the chocolates.

"Aww I love these," I couldn't help but say. Georgina beamed at me.

"Breakfast?" Aunt Helen asked me and I nodded my head.

"How did you sleep?" she asked again settling down in front of me.

"Fine, thanks."

I was just about to open the chocolate and eat them when Georgina exclaimed in delight, "Oh em gee! Look!" I was startled and gazed up at her, confused, to find that she was pointing to my wrist. It took me a minute to comprehend she was pointing at my locket.

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