Dark Skies (7)

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Chapter Seven Quote: "For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first." 

The darkness welcomed me as I woke up. I felt surprisingly relaxed. Memories of a few hours ago invaded my mind. I sat up and looked around. I was not in my room. Not in my bed.

"Hey." I looked around to see a smiling Christian. He had a cup in his hand which he handed to me. I looked at him and I knew he knew what I was thinking. I quickly placed the cup on the table beside the bed not caring to take a look at it. Christian's smile faded when I got up and stared at him.

I grabbed my phone from the table and checked the time. Three in the morning. Damn!

"Christian...what happened?" I asked suddenly. I scrambled out of bed still in Christian's shirt which I had borrowed, Christian did not answer. A weird feeling was rising in my stomach.

I could barely remember what happened after...the kiss flashed into my mind. I wasn't drinking was I? I wasn't.

How could I not remember anything after that kiss?

"No no no no..," I looked into his eyes and somewhere I saw regret. What would Jeremy...? No this can't be happening.

We didn't do anything wrong, I was sure. But I was terrified. Jeremy would be furious. I looked around helplessly and all I could think was 'I did not'. My head started hurting and my heart was beating faster than anything in my chest. I held my breath turning my attention back to Christian. I couldn't remember anything after the kiss.  Maybe I fell asleep on the couch?

"I'm sorry, Alison. I don't know what came over me." Christian said, a look of regret on his face. I felt like slapping him in the face but I composed myself even though it was a difficult task.

"But...no...we couldn't..," I said as if I was in a trance.

"No, I only kissed you. And then you started crying and fell asleep on the couch," Christian explained in a heavy voice.

" I just carried you to the bed. I didn't sleep...," Christian said unable to finish the sentence.

"Take me home," I said firmly. That was all I could say. I didn't want to hear his voice. I should have never agreed to come to his apartment. I practically abandoned Jeremy, not that he would care considering he was with Candice.

Christian parked his car at our driveway. I didn't even say goodbye to Christian. I looked up at the almost mansion like house infront of me - my house, mine and Jeremy's.

I knew things were going to change. I had a feeling inside of me. I took a deep breath. I didn't know if I could do this. How could I face him? What will Jeremy think?

Silently, I opened the door wiping away tears from my eyes. Please don't be home. I prayed in my head.  I didn't know what I would say. I couldn't prepare what to say.


Heavy clouds covered the sky and the moon wasn't visible. A light wind was blowing making me shiver. I straightened my hair and my dress before I walked up to the front door.

But my prayers weren't answered. I spotted Jeremy coming down the stairs. His eyes were focused on his BlackBerry. He raised his head when I shuffled from one foot to the other.


What am I supposed to say? What did I do?

At that moment I wished the earth would swallow me up. My throat went dry and I felt like throwing up. Guilt washed over me. 

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