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        Delta watched as the chariot crashed into the water, running to the closest Hermes camper to tell them to get the leaf blower type inventions they had stolen from the Hephaestus cabin before going to Annabeth, Butch, and the three new half-bloods that looked too old not to have been claimed.

While Helping Annabeth up then the brunette girl who gave Delta Magic vibes, whistled to Butch, then threw him a knife to cut off the wreaked harnesses from the Pegasi.

She now waved to the naiads who just brought up the two boys, helping the smaller one up she looked him in the eye, "where's Gleeson?" She said narrowing her eyes, "he was supposed to help deliver you here."  The taller boy then spoke, Delta could see a tilting head out of the corner of her eye. "Do I know you?"

       The girl sighed not even bothering to look at him, "I don't know I'm not even looking at you, now where is Hedge."

      Suddenly a burst of wind comes from behind Delta, "I told you not to use that thing if I'm standing in the way," Delta says in a strict voice, turning around slowly now facing laughing Travis and the almost terrified six-year-old Peter with his leaf blower facing Delta, crouching Delta beckons Peter forward, "Did Conner put you up to this?" She asks knowing Travis wasn't stupid enough to mess with her, nodding Peter starts to relax, "Well then you might wanna go play peek-a-boo and just decide not to peek because you won't want to see what's going to happen." Peter then runs to some of his protectors—aka the Ares kids, specifically Clarisse—while Delta stands up, ready to beat what was left of Conner's brains out.

         A blond boy with a bow slung over his back walks to Delta tapping her shoulder motioning her to follow him, when she continues walking in the other direction he grabs the collar of her shirt pulling her along, "Annabeth!" He yells " I said you could borrow the chariot, not destroy it!"

Annabeth sighed "Will, I'm sorry, I'll get it fixed, I promise."

        Will scowled at the chariot, then looked to the newbies, "These are the ones? Way older than thirteen. Why haven't they been claimed already?" Delta heard the elfish boy mumble a questioning 'claimed' but before Annabeth could explain Will interrupted, his ADHD and the annoyance of his chariot being broken causing him to be a bit impatient. "Any sign of Percy?"

       "Any sign of Nico," Delta whispered to Will so only he could hear it, which caused a small blush to spread on his face.

       "No." Annabeth said answering Will's question, a voice uses the break in the conversation as a good time to put in a question, "Are you sure I don't know you, you look familiar." Annoyed Delta sighs, "I don't care," she starts turning around. "That you think you know..." she trails off looking at the tall blond, scrunching her eyebrows she walks toward him, she pulls his right arm forward looking at it for a short period, she throws it down "I'll be right back, I have something I need to do." While walking away she hears Drew—the head of Aphrodite cabin—start to talk, knowing she was after one of the boys Delta shook her head, Drew had been doing stuff like that since Silena died.


       Delta flipped the coin in her hand then tossed it into the mist, "Iris, Fleecy whoever is watching the messages right now can you show me Nico D'Angelo where ever he is, please?"

The mist starts to form a picture showing Nico at the camp Delta missed, having not been there in at least a month. "What's wrong, did something happen," he asks noticing the worried look on her face, "You know how I found out what you were doing and decided to help you?"
"Then you remember how I stayed here because I was told by the purple man I had to because something was going to happen, then Underdog went missing and we thought that was the something, but I still stayed because I was worried that wasn't it?"
      "Yes, I remember."
"Right, then Water Boy went missing like three days ago."
      "Uh-huh, why did something else happen?"
    "Alright, breathe," Nico made his breathing audible so Delta could match it. "Now tell me what happened, calmly."
"I had been walking to my cabin, when Owl Head and Rainbow Dash got back from their search for Percy and getting the two new demigods, something must have happened on the way back because I saw them crash into the water, I told a Hermes Camper to grab the magic leaf blowers and walked over to help Annie and the new girl up, threw Butch a knife to cut the Pegasi off the harnesses," She stops to take a breath, "You gotta hurry up Delta, I have to be somewhere soon,"
     "Okay, okay, anyway I noticed Percy wasn't with them and instead there was a blond dude, he asked if he knew me, I ignored him without bothering to look at him, he asked me again a couple of minutes later, I turned to look at him this time to answer him, and it was Staple Head."
     Nico's eye's widened, " I don't know what to do Neeks," Delta says her voice having a slight waver.
     "What you need to do is make sure no one and I mean NO one finds out who he is, got it?"
   "Got it."
"Good, now you need to find him and figure out how to help him, okay?"
   "Okay, tell Hazel I said hi, will you, Frank too?" Delta asks in a small voice, "of course I will, bye." 

"Bye, Neeks."


Delta walks out of the cabin she had walked into to find Jason when she sees Annabeth and Rachel carry the new girl—who looked passed out—out of Hera's cabin. Eyes widening Delta runs toward them going to help carry the girl into the big house, once they got in they saw Jason talking to Chiron with a Imperial Gold sword drawn, "What happened, what's wrong with her?" Jason said with his eyes widened looking at the girl who Delta learned name's was Piper.
     "Hera's cabin," Annabeth gasped from rushing there, "Vision, Bad."
   "I think," Rachel said looking down then gulping, "I think I killed her."


Written: January 27, 2021
Published: February 13, 2021
Edited: —————  —,———

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