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  There was Shocked silence. Then fifty demigods started talking at once, well it was more like yelling at the things around them but, that was the same thing.

'Well, it's about time she got kidnapped!' Delta had wanted to say and she could tell Annabeth wanted to as well, but neither did. Some of the other campers clearly wanted to yell something of the sort out but, didn't do to not wanting to die.

  Chiron pounded his hoof again, the noise hurting Delta's ears slightly, but Rachel still had to wait before she could get back their attention.

  She told them about the incident on the Grand Canyon Skywalk, which by the way was the first time Delta heard the story—how Gleeson Hedge had sacrificed himself when the storm spirits attacked(Delta was pissed that happened) and the spirits had warned it was only the beginning. They apparently served some great mistress who would destroy all demigods(who is this 'mistress' not even Delta-the girl who seemed to know everything-didn't know, there are like 10 different gods/goddesses it could be.)

  Then Rachel told them about Piper passing out in Hera's cabin, Delta saw Piper wince a little and touch the back of her head. She could see Piper trying to keep a calm expression, even when she noticed Drew in the back row, pantomiming a faint, and her friends giggling. Finally, Rachel told them about Jason's vision in the living room of the Big House. The message was extremely similar to the one Piper got. The only difference: Hera most likely tried to scare Jason more, kidding she totally mentioned the giant in Piper's head. Hera knew about how big of threats the giants were. But why leave Jason out of the loop completely unless Hera thought Piper wasn't strong enough to not expose herself.

  "Jason," Rachel said. "Um ... do you remember your last name?"

  He shook his head, why would Hera take away the memory of his last name? It's not like he has a super rare last name, who would immediately think that Thaila and Jason are related from it, you know except Annabeth. And hey, the two looked nothing alike even Annabeth would rule out the possibility until one of them said something.

  "We'll just call you Jason, then," Rachel said. "It's clear Hera herself has issued you a quest. "

   "Or Hera herself has issued some chaos," Delta mumbled.

  Rachel paused as if giving Jason a chance to protest his destiny, yep, 'protesting destiny' every teenager does this every summer, a completely normal event. But not really because everyone's eyes were on him; there was so much pressure, one may have thought he would buckle in this position. Yet he looked brave and determined. As he should've been, it didn't matter he was on vacation, he had led bigger crowds than this. He set his jaw and nodded. "I agree. "

  "You must save Hera to prevent a great evil," Rachel continued. "Some sort of king from rising. For reasons we don't yet understand, it must happen by the winter solstice, only four days from now. "

  "That's the council day of the gods," Annabeth said. "If the gods don't already know Hera's gone, they will definitely notice her absence by then. They'll probably break out fighting, accusing each other of taking her. That's what they usually do. "

  "The winter solstice," Chiron spoke up, "is also the time of greatest darkness. The gods gather that day, as mortals always have because there is strength in numbers. The solstice is a day when evil magic is strong. Ancient magic, older than the gods. It is a day when things ... stir. "

"God Chiron, for being under oath you sure like to reveal as much as possible" Delta whispered.

"What'd you say?" Piper whispered back. Delta leaned a tiny bit away from the voice, then realized it was Piper and returned to her normal position.

"Nothing, secret keeper."

"Okay," Annabeth said, glaring at the centaur. "Thank you, Captain Sunshine. Whatever's going on, I agree with Rachel. Jason has been chosen to lead this quest, so—"

"Why hasn't he been claimed?"
Eric yelled he was an Ares kid, with Jealously problems and anger issues, super misunderstood. "If he's so important—"

"He has been claimed," Chiron announced. "Long ago. Jason, give them a demonstration. "

At first, Jason didn't seem to understand. He stepped forward nervously, but Piper couldn't stop thinking about his hair and his 'regal' features like a Roman statue. You'd think blocking out Piper's thoughts would be easy, nope this girl thinks with her heart, not saying she doesn't use her head, she just doesn't use it enough if she did she would know he's not Greek. Jason glanced at Piper, and she nodded encouragingly, oh by the gods they were worse than Annabeth and Percy at comforting someone. Piper mimicked flipping a coin.

Jason reached into his pocket. His coin flashed in the air, and when he caught it in his hand, he was holding his lance—a rod of gold about seven feet long, with a spear tip at one end—it came up tails.

The other demigods gasped. Rachel and Annabeth stepped back to avoid the point, which looked sharp as an ice pick.

"Wasn't that ..." Annabeth hesitated. "I thought you had a sword. "

"Um, it came up tails, I think," Jason said. "Same coin, long-range weapon form. "

"Dude, I want one!" yelled Eric again, it was more of an Excited yell than a jealous yell, so that meant the sessions he had with Delta were working.

"Better than Clarisse's electric spear, Lamer!" one of his brothers agreed.

"Electric," Jason murmured like that was a good idea. "Back away. "

Delta sighed, he was banned from doing this at Camp Jupiter for hitting someone slightly on the arm, his arm still twitched from time to time. It was a good thing Annabeth and Rachel got his message. Jason raised his javelin, and thunder broke open the sky. Every hair on Delta's arms stood straight up. Lightning arced down through the golden spear point and hit the campfire with the force of an artillery shell.

When the smoke cleared, and the small ringing in Delta's ears subsided, the entire camp sat frozen in shock, half-blind, the campers closest to Jason covered ashes, staring at the place where the fire had been. Cinders rained down everywhere. A burning log had impaled itself a few inches from the sleeping kid Clovis, who hadn't even stirred. Delta was glad that kid could sleep through anything.

Jason lowered his lance. "Um ... sorry."

Chiron brushed some burning coals out of his beard. He grimaced like his worst fears were confirmed, which it was. "A little overkill, perhaps, but you've made your point. And I believe we know who your father is. "

"Jupiter," Jason said. "I mean Zeus. Lord of the Sky. "


Written: May 31,2021
Published: May 31,2021
Edited: ____ __,____

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