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     Rachel and Delta placed Piper on the couch while Annabeth got a medkit, Jason who was still shaking off his shock ran over to look at her, hoping she was okay.

"We've got to heal her," Jason's eyebrow were scrunched as worry took over his voice. "There's a way, right?"

Delta made the mistake of looking at Piper, she was pale, barely breathing. Even if Delta hadn't been doing well socializing with the rest of Camp Half-Blood she felt like she had to protect Piper, whether it was because she arrived with Jason or because of the magic feeling around her. It was like before she came to camp Half-Blood when he would predict something and he was correct, she would smile proudly at him, filling up the hole where his confidence should have already been.

She missed him, more than everyone else in her other life. She missed his hugs, his blushing face when she teased him, the pouting face, and the whining he could give when he was tried and wanted cuddles. Delta wondered how long she would have to wait to go back, given what's happening probably not for a long time.

"A prophecy?" Chiron's voice took her out of the rant inside her head.

"No. The spirit of Delphi comes from within. I know how that feels. This was like long-distance, a power trying to speak through me."

Annabeth ran in, with an old fashion leather pouch. "Chiron, what happened back there—I've never seen anything like it. I've heard Rachel's prophecy voice. This was different. She sounded like an older woman. She grabbed Piper's shoulders and told her—"

"To free her from a prison?" Jason interrupted.

"Man Jason, for a newbie you sure are good at this stuff," Delta said, not realizing the information she could have revealed with that one sentence.

After like two minutes of exchanging facts Delta realized two things, One, she knew who the woman was, and Two she was going to be late.

Jumping up from her spot she ran out the door to the closest cabin—the Hypnos cabin—at least if anyone caught her coming out of it she could make an easy excuse.

Pausing in front of the door for a moment she opens it, showing the inside of a small cottage, which had a map standing to the right of the entrance full of twists and turns, looking impossible to memorize.

Just as she enters the kitchen mist shimmers in front of the sink, rushing over to it she waved to the figure in the mist.

"How do you always lose track of time, it shouldn't be that hard it's the same time every week."

"Look, Death Baby, I was talking about important things, and I'm pretty sure Jason is going to get a quest."

"Seriously just as we find him he leaves again," Nico sighed and rolled his eye. "I mean just once could there be a year where nothing happens to us."

"It's not like he has a choice you know, and besides if anything I can just follow the general path of the quest or if I get assigned to look for the Blue Food Face I can just follow him exactly while I'm at it."

"You realize there isn't always going to be a door you can walk through so you can save yourself?"

"Of course I do, that's why I have the stuff he gave me."

"Speaking of him, he's getting worse, it's horrible here. You need to come back soon."

"Is it really that bad," Delta sighed. he's usually somewhat okay with other people."

"Because you're usually here."

"Alright, I have to go before someone comes to find me, not that they could talk to you later. Oh and also Will misses you."

A small tint of pink spreads over Nico's face. "Don't even say it, I don't like Will, I'm still getting over the Blue Chip."

"Sure you don't, bye Nico."

"Bye Delta."

Delta waved her hand through the mist and walked toward the door. Hoping no one was outside she took a deep breath and opened the door. She then jumped at the sight of Jason and Annabeth walking to the cabin she just had been in.

"What are you doing here, I thought you two were talking with Chiron?"

"We were, but now we're here because we're going to see if Clovis can help with getting Jason's memories back."

Delta could tell Annabeth was suspicious, she had probably shown too many flags today, running off. So she said the only thing she could say that Annabeth would believe her for.

"I was just in there, talking with him, well it was more like just telling him because he was asleep, but I was telling him about some nightmares I was having. I guess Hypnos' children help with those things even while they're not awake."

"Well you might as well join us, Jason says you look familiar. That might just help us find out who he is."

"You're sounding very grim for just talking about memories. Also, do you know if the Stolls have any orange Gatorade? I'm all out and I need that stuff to live."

Annabeth's just sighed slightly and gestured for Delta to open the door.

        As they walk on Delta yawns softly before closing her mouth and shutting herself up.

Looking at the bed's Delta saw three of the Hypnos kids sleeping peacefully. Delta was surprised Peter wasn't in bed yet, he was unusually energetic for a Hypnos kid, but he would still be in bed to take a nap before dinner every day.

Delta could see Jason zoning off, close to yawning, just to further bring him into sleep she went behind him and whispered the word yawn a couple of times into his ear.

Annabeth just had to ruin the fun and nudged him with her elbow. "Snap out of it"

"Cabin Fifteen does that to everyone, well everyone except Ms. 'All-Nighters All Year' here. I've been meaning to ask you about that too, have you been sleeping?"

Delta looked down. "Of course I have, the only reason I look tired is that I'm stressed."

"I don't believe that. Anyway if you ask me this place is more dangerous than the Ares cabin. At least with Ares, you can learn where the land mines are."

"I can also do that," Delta said

Annabeth walked over to Clovis, —who Delta would occasionally call A Demi-Cow, with his permission first of course—And shook him slightly. "Clovis! Wake up!"

"Clovis!" She shook him harder, then decided to knock on his forehead a couple of times which worked.

"Wh-wh-what?" Clovis sat up slowly and squinted then yawned hugely, causing Annabeth and Jason to yawn as well.

"Stop that!" Annabeth tried to yell again, holding an oncoming yawn in. "We need your help."


Percy: Blue Chip, Blue Food Face, Water Boy
Annabeth: Owl Head
Nico: Death Baby
Butch: Rainbow Dash
Clovis: Demi-Cow
Jason: Staple Head

Jason's nickname is Not because of the scar on his lip, Delta doesn't know how he got that. His nickname is for a different reason.

Written: February 2, 2021
Published: February 13, 2021
Edited: —————  —,———

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