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    After Delta had sat in bunker nine with Leo for about an hour, helping him start the to plan out the Argo II, she decided it was time to go to Camp Jupiter, she said a goodbye to Leo and started into a deeper part of the woods, making sure no one was around before grabbing a piece of chalk and drawing her normal rectangle and walking through it.

    She wasn't put directly into the camp but, instead across the entrance, she was spotted by the two people on guard when she got closer. The two quickly recognized her and let her through the tunnel.

    Delta took off her sneakers and socks, holding them above the water as she crossed through the strong current of the river.

    When she got to the camp gates one of the sentries opened them as another knocked his bow, once seeing who it was they helped her out of the river—not that she needed it—and let her through.

      As soon as she got into camp she made her way to the cohort two barracks, quickly grabbing the Polaroid camera from under her bed. Once out of the barracks Delta went to the first place she thought Reyna would be, the principia.

    When she entered the building she found Reyna sitting down at her desk area, "Hey, guess who's back, back again."

"Delta, welcome back, I can guess why your here but, is there a reason for the camera that you're not supposed to have?" Reyna asked, her eyebrow raised.

"Yeah actually, there is, smile!" Delta answered, she held up the camera as Reyna quickly smiled, Delta took the picture and as soon as it came out she started to shake it. "Thank you, now I'm going to take a few more pictures before heading down there, please don't tell him I'm here, it's going to be a surprise."

"Okay, I wasn't planning on it anyway," Reyna paused, "I'll see you later, right?"

"Maybe," Delta said as she gave Reyna a quick hug. "bye Reyna!" Delta exclaimed as she went to go find Hazel, Frank, Dakota, and Gwen.

Once they were found Delta quickly made her way over to them. "Okay, I have to get over to him soon, so I just need to snap a picture of each of you and then I'll be out of your way."

Hazel turned around at the voice, "Hey, Delta." She said, rushing forward to give the older girl a hug, "I missed you so much, How are you?"

"I'm good, I'm good, I just need to get there before the sun starts to go down so can do something before it gets too dark. So, a picture of each of you is all I need."

As Delta took the pictures she got a hug from everyone of them, she very much wanted to stay and talk but, she still needed one more picture and had a date to go on.

Delta headed for the augury, when she got there it was clear skies, she entered the building, seeing Octavian looking at thing everything around him, not hearing her walk in. Delta carefully snuck up behind him and put hands over his eyes, he jumped slightly in shock before going still again. "Guess who." Delta said, she moved her hands off his eyes and brought them to loosely trap his arms, hugging him from behind. The boy turned around, lifting Delta up by the waist and giving her the biggest hug she had ever received.

"Oh gods, I missed you so much." He said, putting her down. "What are you doing here? I thought you were still looking for Jason."

"I am." Delta lied, "But, I needed to take a break, and besides I'm pretty sure today's a somewhat important day that makes me think we should go outside and have dinner and maybe watch the sunset." She smiled up at the boy, poking him near the shoulders at the least three words.

"Yeah?" He said, smirking slightly, "A day that makes me think 'wow, how did I get so lucky.'" He gave Delta a kiss on the check.

"Exactly, a wonderful anniversary where you don't worry about anything but me and I get to make you all flustered and then you get all romantic."

"That just sounds like you're winning all around." Octavian said.

"Of course it does, because I am, now before we do all the romantic stuff, I want a picture of you." Delta took her camera out of her case, holding it up and shaking it slightly in front of his face.

"I thought you said the picture that we took last time was the last one we took ever?" He asked, fake pouting.

"Maybe I did, but we both know it was a lie, so smile." Delta said as she turned on the camera.

"Fine," there was a grumble in the boys voice but he smiled at Delta, not the camera. When she took the photo out Octavian kept smiling, and went over to her to look at it.

When he gave her a thumbs up saying he liked it, Delta smiled and took off his toga and gave him a kiss as she grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the augury, not letting go of it the entire way to their favorite restaurant.


When Delta got back to Camp Half-Blood somewhat early next day the first thing she did was go the the Zeus cabin, opening up the door to see Jason walk out of the bathroom in a clean pair of jeans and a camp half blood shirt.

"I got those pictures you asked for, also I had an amazing six month anniversary date, so it's a win-win situation."

"Really, you got them?" He asked walking closer to Delta.

"Why would I say I got them and not have them, idiot."

"Hey!" Jason said, flicking her arm, receiving an 'Ow'. Delta pulled the pictures of their friends out, handing them to Jason.

"Thank you, so much, this is probably going against something you're not supposed to do."

"When do I ever follow the rules?" Delta asked.

"Never, literally you never do."



Written: August 20, 2021
Published: August 24, 2021
Edited: _____ __, ____

I first I didn't like Octavian being her love interest but, then I wrote an interaction between the two and I loved it, I know I probably just made people mad but, hear me out, what if Octavian just had a lot of mental issues and couldn't control all of his feelings and thoughts, and Delta helped him do that. I don't know, just go with it, they won't be endgame or anything.

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