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    Delta, Leo, Jason, and Piper were on top of Delta's cabin—which was chosen so that they didn't have to deal with Harpies—it was late around one a.m. The four were just pointing out stars and telling stories, delta's music playing quietly in the backround. Leo had just finished telling a story when he was still living in sewers and had to go into a particularly disgusting one to get away from a kid that was bugging him.

    "That's awful, Leo," Delta said. "Why did you run away when you could've just kicked him in the nuts."

    "First of all, you need to get off this obsession with the under-the-belt area of men. And second, he had a pocket knife."

    "I have a pocket knife too, but I still would back down if I was threatened to be kicked in the balls and I don't even have them."

"Yeah, well this dude was like a head taller then me."

"Not my fault your short."

"Oh, shut up! Anyway, it's your turn to tell a story."

"I don't think I have any good stories, Leo."

"How? You seem like you would have a bunch of stories."

"I don't know, I'm just not an exciting person,"

"Maybe you have some stories about the casino?" Jason piped in.

"Yeah," Piper said, "It may have been a trap but, it was designed to be entertaining to children, it had to have been at least somewhat fun?"

"Oh! There was that one time me and some kid from '77, at least that's what I think he said, His name was Darrin, found him at a VR game, we took two of the shooting game guns and made it so they could actually shoot and we shot rocks at the workers, they made us go in the waiting area for like an hour to calm down, while we were in there he told me about a kid he met who used the word 'sick' in a good way and I asked him when he was from."

"You know it started out fun then you finished it," Leo said, "Wait, can you tell us how Dionysus gave you the ability to read minds?"

"Technically it's looking through memories, Leo, not reading minds." Piper said, flicking his arm.


"Can you tell us Delta? I don't think I actually know." Jason asked, sitting up.

"Fine, but it's not exciting. It was before I got stuck in the casino, I was on a quest, you could say, and I happened to run into Bacchus, the Roman version of Dionysus and I needed his help per se, I had to help him find a snake first, then after instead of helping me, he gave me the ability to look at others memories."

"Your 'quest' was you trying to get alcohol, wasn't it?" Piper sighed.

"Yeah, it was." The song that was playing ended and 'Goody Two Shoes' started playing. "Alright, who sings this one?" Delta asked.

"Adam Ant!" Leo yelled before the other two could even open their mouths.

"How the hell do you do that so quickly Leo?" Jason asked him.

"I knew someone who was a music fanatic, I was told once or twice who sung a song, then after that I had to guess and was only given a yes or no answers."

"Damn, sounds hard," Piper said.

Leo laughed slightly, "Dam."

Delta almost joined in the laughter.

"What are you two talking about?" Jason asked.

    Leo went to respond but Delta stopped him, "Leo, no, you can't, the joke is a secret of all secrets."

Leo stopped his laughter, "Yes ma'am."

   "You two are weird, " Jason said.

"Sorry, we're too creative for you."

"How about we guess another one?" Delta said, grabbing her IPod, "Okay, 'Hotel California'?"

"Eagles." Leo answered.

    "Right, 'Fly me to the Moon'?"

    "Frank Sinatra."

    "Half right, who else is in it?"

     "Oh! I got this one." Piper exclaimed, "Count Basie."

     "I don't think that should count a point, she didn't get both people," said Leo.

     "That means you don't get a point either Leo," Jason said, looking at Leo.

    "I know but, then neither does Piper."

    "Whatever, " Delta rolled her eyes, "No point. Next one, Amazed?"

    "Oh, shit!" Leo yelled. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, " he continued.

    "Lonestar." Said Jason. "How did you not know that Leo?"

    "It wasn't one that I listened to a lot, okay."

    "Well, I raised Jason on that song so, makes sense he got that, one point for Jason. Next is 'Welcome to the Blac—"

    "My Chemical Romance!" Piper yelled.

    "I knew you were an MCR fan!" Delta shouted. "Point for Piper, you'll all tied, the person who gets this next one wins." Delta scrolled through her playlist, trying to find a hard song, "Okay, next one is, Oh, I can't do that one,"

    "Why not?" Jason questioned.

    "It would be unfair, Leo would know it before I finished the first word."

     "What is it?" Leo asked.


     "—can Pie. That's my favorite song."

     "See. Oh, how about 'I think we're alone now'?"

    "Wait, what version? There are three hits with that song."

    "Guess you'll find out."

    "Tommy James and The Shondells?" Piper asked.


    "Girls aloud."

    "I'm not gonna even ask how you know about them, Jason."

    "That leaves one more hit, it's Tiffany." Leo smiled

    "Yep, sadly that means Leo wins."

    "How is that sad? Your twin brother won, wait till I tell mom, she'll be so proud."

    "I'm sorry, what?"

    Delta sighed, "Annabeth is committed to having a full family dynamic, Percy's mom and step-dad are the parents, Percy's the older brother, Annabeth is his girlfriend slash going to be the sister-in-law, I already have a wedding planned, her and Percy don't know that yet, Leo and I are twins, Mrs, O'Leary—who is Percy's hellhound—is the family dog. And now she saying we need to find a younger slash youngest sibling, which would be Tyson but, he's not around much and counts as a family friend."

    "That's Nice." Piper said.

    "Yeah, for a while, then Annabeth doesn't shut up about it, and if I'm being honest, Sally—Percy's mom—will adopt every one of the campers, Nico is like one more shadow travel into their apartment away from Sally adopting him, and Thalia would probably have already been adopted if she didn't join the hunters."

    "Sally sounds very nice, I would let her adopt me," Jason said.

    "Oh, you don't 'let' Sally adopt you, she will do it regardless of what you want."

    "Still sounds nice."


Written: August 24, 2021
Published: August 26, 2021
Edited: _____ __, ____

The end. Next book will be posted in a couple days, it will be called 'The Hidden Passenger' updates for it won't be everyday as school is starting up again.

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