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xMention of drugs and fist fightsx

        "That's what I said, why?" Leo furrowed his eyebrows for a second before they shot up across his forehead. "Is it the stroke again? Do you want me to call someone! Or is it something else, are you going deaf?"

       Delta gave Leo 50 percent of a Wolf glare. "No you idiot, I was..." she pauses hoping to think of something to say. "Making sure I was pronouncing it correctly? I did say it right, right?" She cringed at the lie.

      "Why would you need to try to pronounce it, you got it right first try and it's not hard to pronounce?" Leo's eyes narrowed. "I'm kidding, a bunch of people tend to mess it up, although they do keep saying it wrong I think they're doing it on purpose, and they don't ask me if they say it right, which you did by the wa-"

      "Relax your AHHD man," Delta takes a deep breath, calming down now that Leo believed her lie. "Everyone this is Leo Valdez! He is your new half brother, be nice to him."

While everyone was trying not to get smushed to greet Leo Delta felt a tug on her camp shirt which she was forced to wear by Will because it showed 'spirit' (she managed to get some purple on it, though). She moved away from Leo's side reluctantly so Harley could get through and get to Leo.

       Once the Hephaestus kid's greeted Leo they all went back to what they were doing except Nyssa, who gestured Delta over to her. "How's finding the dragon going?" The latter whispered so she wouldn't set off groans from the other campers around them.

        "It's not, you know if you helped we might be able to find it and stop it from destroying the camp, You can partly control it." Nyssa sighs as Delta shakes her head.

        "I can't, not well enough. And don't call him it, we talked about that. I thought you guys were the ones who treated machines like they're human."

         Delta then turns around and walks toward Leo. Grabbing his arm she pulled him to one of the empty areas of the forge.

         "Alright Leo, you go talk to Nyssa, the one I was just with and she'll explain some things for you." Delta pauses getting rid of her strict tone, something she was used to talking with because of her 'siblings', and replacing it with a soft, gentle tone that unintentionally held worry underneath it. "Be careful Leo, there's a lot of stuff you could hurt yourself with and a lot of  flammable things."

        Delta walks out of the forge looking back slightly to see Leo looking at her with a slightly shocked face. She smiled and place herself in the shadows of the entrance to the building.

        Not long after leaving the Scrawny boy Delta found herself watching the Hephaestus kids walk out of the forge, Leo not with them. Assuming Leo brought up the thing when talking to Nyssa she peeked her head into the forge, letting her eyes rest on Leo.

         The boy's fingers slowly extended away from his palm as he let out a shaky breath. Soon a small flame appeared on his pointer finger, then it spread across his hand like it was pushed by a soft breeze. Delta gave a small sigh as Leo looked at the lit hand, his face showing a look of pain and hatred before he looked away. She wondered what made him hate his ability, what happened to him that hurt so much he even look at it.

        Quietly she turned around and left the forge alone. Her thoughts no longer focused on how she was right, how happy she should be right now, how he was doing without her, not her biological family, and how she loved more than they would ever know, more than they could know. Her thoughts were now on why Leo hated his powers that much, why they pained him that much.


       It wasn't until dinner that night when Delta sorted out her thoughts and her feelings, she left her hidden cabin and walked out of the Hermes cabin's door, the Hermes cabin was the best cabin for her to hide in seeing as her godly parent didn't have a cabin there. It was unlikely her father would ever have one there. Delta walked over to the Pavilion and leaned her back against a support beam, she looked over at the Aphrodite kids not seeing Piper, Delta figured she was still out cold from Hera's vision, She then looked over to the Hephaestus Table, watching Leo make a joke that few people around him laughed at, finally she looked at the Zeus table eyeing Jason taking in every detail, the way he held his fork, how his hair moved the tiniest bit possible with the small breeze, how he kept looking around like he was going to be attacked. Yeah, that was her Jason, but what happened to him, Delta knew it was something to do with the two camps but she couldn't figure out what, she looked away from Jason and started to stare off into space, her thoughts from earlier drifting back in. What was she supposed to do? It had been eight years, but it barely felt like three to her. If she wasn't so stupid, if she didn't leave by herself, if she listened to Jason, maybe she would've lived better, not that her life was bad compared to other demigods. So far it was pretty good if you didn't count the fact that she missed five years of her life due to being a coward and running away from her problem, the cost being her family.

Delta sucked in a breath, feeling a small tingle in her nose, she tilted her head up slightly and blinked to get rid of her tears. Swallowing she pushed herself off the beam and walked towards the Dionysus table, it was the only table she liked to sit at in the winter, seeing as Mr. D and Chiron didn't care where you sat then. And it's not like anyone could stop her, despite no one at camp knowing her godly parent (except Nico, but he's not always around) everyone knew she had been blessed by Mr. D, how and why is what they didn't know. As she made her way to the table she passed Aphrodite's table and pushed Drew's head forward.

"We don't flirt with new demigods Drew. Especially ones without their memories, he could have a girlfriend."
Delta gave her the mom glare™️. Besides Delta hating Drew, she did have a reason to be like she was, her dad was never really around and when she was ten he went to jail and soon died there from picking fights, losing some fights, and doing drugs. Drew also just lost her sister, who she loved more than anything in the world, but didn't show it due to her trust issues. The only other one who knew how much Drew loved Silena was Delta, the only reason she knew was that once a month Drew and Silena went outside of camp for about a week and would do all the things mortal siblings and teens would do, poor Delta was the one to cover for them, you know the month or two she was there when Silena was. The two did go out less than a week but they also went a lot more than once those two months before the war.

Delta decided to sit next to Pollux today instead of across him when she saw his face she knew he was missing Caster again. It was their birthday this month and Pollux couldn't focus on much, not his surroundings, not even eating, so when Delta sat next to him and brought her hand to his and held it he looked up at her with glossy eyes.

"You're allowed to miss him Pollux, You're allowed to." Pollux then let his tears fall and Delta pulled him in for a hug, his face buried in her neck. Unlike everyone thought, Delta hadn't experienced a lot of loss in her life, not the death kind anyway. Almost everyone she lost was alive she just can't reach them, the few exceptions being kids who died in the war.

She looked up still hugging Pollux, seeing Chiron beckoning her over. "I got to go grape head, don't forget to eat, and I'll sleep in the cabin with you tonight, okay."

Pollux gave a small sniff and pulled away from the hug. "Promise?"

"Promise." With that Delta left the table and went over to Chiron.


Grape Head- Pollux
Grape Face was Caster

Written:  February 28,2021
Published: March 21,2021
Edited: _____,__,____

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