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"Are you sure you don't need help, Leo?" Delta yelled to the boy on one of the many catwalks. "It would be easier to get them down with two people."

Leo looked down at Delta, walking closer to the edge to talk to her, his new tool belt sitting on his hips, "Do you know how to take them down? I don't want you getting hurt."

Delta sighed, "That's like the tenth time you've told me that Leo, I promise I won't get hurt. And you only have to cut the chains to get them down, it's not that hard.

      "I just don't want you to cut yourself or get you impaled by rust." Delta gave him a pleading look, "Fine, you can help but, if you even so much as scrape your finger you're going to sit down and do nothing."

Delta's smile almost took up half her face as she ran up to the catwalk Leo was on, "Alright, I'm here, I'm not scratched, I know how to do this, and I am ready to help."

"You are really pleased with yourself, aren't you?" Leo laughed.

Delta's smile somehow got bigger, "Of course I am, I haven't been able to do this type of stuff since I was twelve. And if you ask me, that's eight technical years too long."

"So who taught who everything?" Leo asked while pulling bolt cutters out of the tool belt which was newly figured out how to be used. "Was it a mom or dad? A grandparent or sibling?"

"My mom did then I helped her teach my brother, my dad is the godly parent," Delta replied as took the second pair of bolt cutters from Leo. "I could make a door under the wings to one of the pads so that way they have a better chance of not even being scratched."

Leo nodded, "That would be great if you could have it go to the one closest to Festus so we can do the least amount of moving."

"Got it."

As soon as Delta made the door Leo started to cut the chains, "Don't let any rust into your skin."

"Got it, mother goose don't fret I already have enough in my system to last me a century."

"Don't joke like that Leo, I already know you need to get a tetanus shot, " Delta yelled, "Not that rust causes it but, we really need to get you caught up on shots."

"Funny, I'm not getting shots anytime soon," Leo said as one of the chains holding a wing broke. "Besides I did not let you see into my head to find the last time I got a shot."

"I'll let you get a tattoo from the Apollo cabin if you get a shot. Or maybe the Hermes cabin has everything right now?"


"No! You ass, I'm not gonna let a fifteen-year-old get a tattoo."

"Damn it, Delta!"

"Whatever. I'm coming back up, there better be chains for me to cut."

"Trust me, There is!"

Once Delta reached the catwalk again she took her pair of bolt cutters from Leo again and started to cut the chains. "So Delta,"

"Yeah, Leo?"

"Who is your godly parent? You only told me that he was your dad."

Delta sighed, "Promise you won't tell anyone and I mean anyone, not Jason, not Piper, not Annabeth, not Chiron, not your cabin, not anyone."


"They're roman, my dads are a roman God and not even like a Roman version of a Greek God, I mean a full-on Roman God, no Greek form."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Greeks and Romans aren't supposed to know about each other, it breaks out into a war every time they find out. My dad is Janus the God of beginnings, gates, time, doorways, passages, endings, etc. They consider themselves two people though so technically I have two godly parents."

"That's so cool, Delta."

"Not when your roman and your brothers Greek and you've known since you were seven that you might have to separate forever, then you do. And then after that, you find him and he's lived a horrible life you could've prevented if you stayed. But, nothing is better than finding out your mother is dead by looking into his memories cause he thinks your power is cool."

The last chain is cut off and the wings fell.

"Oh," Leo blinked, "You're talking about me aren't you."

"Yeah, happy the person you couldn't remember was your sister's day."

"Okay, why didn't you tell me?."

"The same reason I'm going to get rid of your memory of this conversation, I don't want to disappoint you."

Leo looked at her, "Why would you disappoint me? If anything I would disappoint you, I couldn't save mom, I lit the warehouse on fire."

"Alright, don't say that, it was not your fault, you're a great kid and would never do that. You did not set that warehouse on fire."

"I-is that why you've been so attached to me? Because I'm actually your brother."


"Oh my god, I'm your brother, we're related, we're related!"

"That's finally kickin' in, huh?"

"Yeah, it is."

"Let's go get those wings on." Delta said, "Then I'll get rid of tonight."

     "Please don't, please."

     "I'm sorry, I have to."

     "Can you leave some good things in there?"

     "Of course, those and the important things."

     Leo looked at Delta, "Isn't we being related important?"

     "Not quite yet but, I'm sure you'll find out again until then we should put Festus' wings on before I have to go visit some people that can help me find Percy."

     "When will I see you after tonight then?"

     "Just look for the golden ones resting ground idiot, it was mentioned in the prophecy."

     "No, it wasn't."

     Yeah, it was. 'Child of Lightning, beware the earth, the giants' revenge the seven shall birth, the lost one's found, at the golden ones final resting ground. The forge and dove shall break the cage, and death unleash through Hera's rage.' You dummy."

     "Cut out 'the lost one's found, at the golden ones final resting ground.' and you're good."

     "I guess I'm the only one hearing that part then, huh. It's just like the book."


    Was this meant to be a completely fluffy filler chapter? Yes.
    Was it completely fluffy? No.

Written: July 24, 2021
Published: July 25, 2021
Edited: ____ __,____

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