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        Delta was pretty sure she was the only one who noticed Leo leaving but before he did she swore he looked at her and brought his thumb up his cheekbone and dragged it across, almost trying to pass the movement as itching his cheek.

        About five minutes after Leo left Delta got up and into the woods and pulled a piece of chalk out of her shorts pocket and drew a square. Quickly she stepped in as it slowly disappeared behind her.

She looked around her and saw Leo seemingly lost, "Hey kid," He turned around almost as if he just heard a ghost.

"Hey Delta, what are you doing here?"

     "Well, when you see someone walk into the woods while staying at a place they know nothing about, it's best to follow. Don't ya think?"

     Leo looked down and scratched to back of his neck. "Yeah, that makes sense." Delta could tell the poor guy wanted her to be in there because of those movements at the fire but, she just couldn't let him know.

     "So, what are you doing in the woods of a place you barely know? Wait don't tell me, I wanna guess, " Delta tapped her finger on her chin mockingly. "You want to catch Happy the fire breathing machine and use him for the quest."

      Leo sighed and looked back up at Delta, "What gave it away?"

      The girl flashed him a quick smile, "Nothing. I'm just physic, can read your mind."

      "So it was that obvious huh?"

      Delta nodded. "Yeah, a little bit. But I really can look into your mind if I wanted to."

Leo's mouth opened slightly almost looking like a fish. Leo spoke again almost immediately. "Do it, look inside my head."

Delta laughed at Leo before touching his head as she had done Jason's hours ago.

When she had entered Leo's head she didn't expect anything too bad but there were memories filled with crying and bad places for a child. then she saw something that just made Delta want to leave his mind but, she couldn't, not yet. When Delta got to the part of the boy's memories she needed she was crying and just wanted to leave Leo's mind and hug him.

She wasn't in any of them, not a single one, not even the ones that should be just Leo and her. It was almost as if he had an imaginary friend by his side.

Suddenly Delta was out of Leo's mind and was back into the real world. It was almost as if someone didn't want her there.

"Well, What'd ya see?"

"I-uh, you had an imaginary friend?"

Leo looked at her like she just killed someone, "What do you mean? I didn't have an imaginary friend. I had a mom, an Abuelo I don't remember, a really mean aunt, a creepy babysitter, bad foster homes and parents, and a-uh and someone else I can't seem to remember at the moment."

Delta raised an eyebrow, clearly, something was keeping Leo from remembering or forgetting her completely, and whatever this thing was(probably a God or Goddess if we're being real here) changed his memories so no one could see the truth of the part of his life she was there for.

     Before Delta could speak up and try to convince Leo that the person he couldn't remember (or in other words her) was just a figment of his imagination the trees started to shake and a stomping could be heard.

     "Please tell me you have something to catch him in while you fix him."

     Leo looked at her, "Let's just hope the trap that was already set works, I mean the cabin is supposed to be good at traps, right?"

   Delta looked back at Leo, "It working or not depends on if the Ares cabin found this trap already because if so, we might be screwed."

"Great, then just hope we're not screwed."


Hey, sorry this chapter is so short and for not posting in a while I had a hard time writing this chapter but, I took a week-long break and I think I should be writing more consistently. Also, I was writing a chapter for another book and it was just about finished then it got deleted which sucks.

-- Danica

Written: July 1,2021
Published: July 1,2021
Edited: ____ __,____

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