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"What do you mean nothing?" The angriest face Delta's seen appeared on Annabeth's face, She had to remind herself it was just because Annabeth was stressed.

       "I mean nothing, I couldn't find a thing. You want to try again Clovis is right here, see you Annabeth's I gotta go find Mr. Archer, pretty sure the scary baby was coming back today and he is going to be exhausted when he does, so Will has to be at the infirmary to prepare for him."

         Delta walks out the door sighing, normally finding Will would be easy but he was showing the elf around camp. Delta thought for a moment then realized if Will was anywhere with a newbie he would be at the basketball court. Delta overly excited ran to the other side of the camp to talk to Will.


         Delta now slightly out of breath finds Will and walks toward him. "I'm taking your newbie, and don't any of you start with the 'we were only having fun' speech you say every time someone new comes along, Will There's a Demi-god in the infirmary that needs help and your the only one that they will be able to get it from for two reasons, we're short a doctor and the patient won't let anyone else touch them."

       Will at first seemed worried then realized that Delta was talking about Nico.

      "Alright fine. Delta this is Leo he was claimed after you left, he's a Hephaestus kid so you know the drill, lots of energy, have fun."

       Will waved to his siblings and ran off to the infirmary to find Nico. Delta felt bad for lying to Will, well it was more of a half-lie since Nico was at the infirmary, they were short a doctor, and doesn't ever let anyone except Delta and Will touch him.

       Okay, so it was more of the reason she took Will's place showing around the boy than why Will had to leave that Delta lied about. Normally she would've found someone else to tour him, but she couldn't help it, the el—no his name was Leo—looked so familiar she had to know who he was.

       "Righty then, how about I show you to your cabin. Wait, first,"
Delta pauses her sentence pulling out a piece of chalk and drawing of a small door on the ground.

        "What are doing, Finding a new way to Narnia, I mean If gods exist Azlan has too, right?" Delta laughed at Leo's joke, it sounded like something her mother would've said.

        "No, sadly I am not, Will said you were a Hephaestus kid, they tend to be a little more ADHD than others so I have fidget toys always laying around in my cabin." Delta reaches her hand in the tiny door and pulls out a small bag of things Leo could play around with, probably make something pretty cool out of them too.

       "Here, just a bag of stuff you can toy around with, my brother was fidgety too, these were his when he was younger, he gave them to me." Delta threw the bag.

       "Your pretty good at this sibling stuff, you have a bunch?" Leo raises his eyebrow.

      Delta stands up and starts to walk. "Only the one, but as one of the older kids here I make it my goal to 'adopt' the younger kids here, try to become an older sister to them. I usually go for Hephaestus, Nemesis, Hypnos, Apollo, and sometimes Hermes kids, they tend to need it. I don't have any half-siblings here and I don't talk to my family at home. Sorry, I'm ranting. Oh, there's the pavilion, you'll follow your head counselor's schedule for the day, but everyone has lunch, breakfast, and dinner at the same time."

        Delta points at the pavilion before turning to Leo. "Any questions don't far, I try to ask during the tour, there's a lot of stuff here."

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