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"Alright, so there is the Aphrodite cabin and that's the Zeus cabin," Delta said pointing at the cabins while shaking the memories from her head.

"You know, in case you want to visit your friends, they are your friends right? Sometimes when two or more campers come, which is rare, they're not always friends."

Leo nodded with a questioning look on his face, "How do you know what cabin they're in if I'm the only one that has been claimed, do you stalk the gods during that process?"

"We're Demi-Gods Leo, we have instincts. Brown-haired Natural beauty had magic vibes, but she didn't have the complexion of Hecate so she's an Aphrodite kid, as for memory man, he just reminded me of a Zeus kid I know."

"Cool, so what's with the Vulcan thing I mean I'm pretty sure that's Star Trek?" Leo gestures to his head then bangs on his hand like a hammer.

"It's not Star Trek idiot, it's the Roman name for Hephaestus, which you would've known if you paid attention to me at all. We don't use the Roman names though, only the Greek."

"Right and the curse part of my cabin?" Leo wrung his hands together nervously, something Delta would realize they had that in common. "I mean there isn't actually a curse, right? Pony dude was just messing with me because I kept bringing up girly things about him."

      "Sadly, the teddy bear doesn't mess around, your cabin is cursed, but instead of explaining it myself your cabin mates can."

     "Oh, here we are the Hephaestus cabin aka the cursed cabin of creations, as I call it."

Delta opens the exrtatearer steampunk-themed door and leads Leo in. When she's about to call for Jake she blanks, falling into more memories.


        "Come on niño, It's only one prank, I'm sure he won't be mad, Why would he be? You're the cutest thing ever."

       "I'm seven Delta, I'm not cute and he's not gonna find it cute anymore, plus I don't want to get in trouble." The blond whines trying not to give in to Delta's plan.

       "We can just lie, say I was helping you practice in a safe way to get ready for the games, they'll believe me."

       "Fine Delta, but If I get caught I'm blaming you."


       "Delta, why are you leaving? did you get the quest!" The blond speaks, his eyes sparkled.

       "Yeah, I did bud." Delta hugs the blond then kisses the top of his head.

"You're coming back though, right?" The boy frowns looking up at her.

"Of course, I'm not going to just leave you like that."

"You better not." The seven-year-old hugs Delta again.


"Honey can go get your brother and your grandfather."
Delta's mother asked while finishing cooking dinner.

Delta gets up off her chair and walks outside where her great-grandpa was telling her brother a story.

"Abuelo, mom is almost done with dinner, she wanted me to get you guys."

"Alrighty, we're just finishing the short story want to listen?" Her grandfather smirks slightly knowing Delta loves his story, she sits down and puts her hands out to hold her brother.

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