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After the meeting, Delta went straight to Lou Ellen, asking her if she could make a way for Delta to get to her cabin, as she couldn't get into it the night before without her chalk and just stayed with Pollux.

"Where is your cabin?" she asked.

"It's kinda near... and by the... Huh, I guess I haven't really thought about where it is, my father had gifted it to me when I came here because he can't have a cabin here."

"Well, who is your father? It might help me find out where it is."

    "How would that help?"

    "I can try to find energy that is similar to his."

"Right, my father is Janus"

"Okay, " Lou Ellen bite her lip and opened a small circle with her hand, almost like Doctor Strange, "does that look like it?"

"Yeah, it does. How did you get that so quickly?"

"Oh. I knew where it was, I've seen you go in it before, I just really wanted to know who your godly parent was, " Lou Ellen said, opening the circle larger so Delta could walk through.

"You could've asked, "

"This seemed like more fun at first but, it kinda wasn't."

"Okay, " Delta said, "Thank you for the portal," she said, as she walked through it.

As soon as Delta entered the cabin she went upstairs into her room. We took the two pictures out of her pocket and grabbed some type she had laying around, she took the first picture—the one of her boyfriend—and taped it on her wall next to a picture of Reyna and Jason she had, then she took the second picture—that was of Leo when he was about five—and taped it in between a picture of Percy and a Picture of Annabeth.

When she went to put her IPod on her Dresser her hand brushed the pouch that usually held her chalk and felt something inside it. She opened the pouch to find it filled to the brim with chalk, with a folded note on top, Delta picked up the note and unfolded it. It read, 'Here's that chalk you asked for, it should last until the end of your journey, I know you don't always like me but I also know that's sometimes you do, I hope that in the end of it all, it's the latter. —your cousin, Hera/Juno.'

"I forgot how nice she could be." Delta whispered. She decided that she could use a visit to camp today.


As Delta made her way through the Woods she thought about the past few days and why Percy hadn't been delivered to Camp Jupiter the same time as Jason had been to Cam Half-Blood. She had gone around camp asking some campers if they had seen Jason and when no one she asked had she thought the next best idea was going through the entire camp, eventually finding him in the woods near Zeus' fist.

"Hey," she said, sitting next to the boy, putting her head on his shoulders. "I'm going visit camp, and I know you're not supposed go and I know I can't tell them anything about you but, if there's anything you want me to go and somehow put it into an 'I'm sure he blah, blah, blah' sentence, I can."

Jason looked up at Delta. "I just miss them, the more I remember anything about them I feel like I'm going to die from how much I miss them, I only want to see them."

"Well, I know it's not much but, the Polaroid camera I snuck in from the casino is still at camp, I can take pictures of some people and bring them back."

"Really, you would do that?"

"Of course I would, who do you want pictures of."

Jason thought for a second, "Reyna, Hazel, Frank?" He asked drawing out the n. "The boy you told me about, he seems nice and I think a picture of him would be nice, Dakota, Gwen, and..." he trailed off.

"You want a picture of him, I thought you didn't like him," Delta said.

"If I didn't like him he wouldn't be your boyfriend, Delta. Well, I mean, I don't like him but, it's not his fault he's like that, and I miss him a tiny bit, from when I was younger and he was nicer."

"Okay, I see you, Mr. Nostalgic. One picture of my boyfriend coming up." Delta teased. "I, um, wanted to talk to you about something else , though."

Jason hummed, "What's up?"

"I really miss Reyna and him, I really do, but no matter how much I miss him, I think I'm starting to miss her more. Or I'm not, I'm not really sure but, I can't stop thinking about the two of them, I think I like both of them, and yay! Relationship crisis but, I'm scared I'll hurt both of them, and Reyna doesn't even like me." Delta said.

"Hey, you don't know that, actually might make you panic, even more, ignore the part, you're a strong person and you'll work through your feelings. But I can't help with that part, I can't tell you what you're feeling, only you can, but I will support you through it the entire time, you're my friend, I'm going to help as much as I can."

"Thank you." Delta hugged Jason. "I'll see you later, I'm going to go hang out with Leo for a while before I go."

"Okay, bye, I'll see you when you come back, thank you for going to get pictures for me."

"Your welcome."


Written: August 20, 2022
Published: August 23, 2021
Edited: _____ __, ____

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