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        As soon as Delta had reached Chiron he started trotting toward the big house. Once there Chiron carefully slid into his Wheelchair then rolled into the blue building then into the meeting room.

      "Will has told me you took over for him touring one of the new demigods, is there a reason why?"

     Delta raised her eyebrow. "Why else would I? I didn't have a choice, Nico was in the infirmary, I'm not allowed back in there for two more months because I told the patients jokes about hospitals, and jokes about people dying, and playing 'Another One Bites the Dust' on repeat." She mumbled the last part knowing blew her cover.

      Chiron gave her a sigh. "I thought we Confiscated your IPod from you, and how would you get into Mr. D's office let alone find it in there?"

     "I got tricks Mr. Pony, 12 Olympian children aren't the only ones with powers. Speaking of which, Jason, you tell him anything yet? Did you tell her yet? She deserves to know, or am I going to have to go on yet another tag-along mission pretending to be looking for someone?" Delta's voice rises at the end slamming her hands down on the ping pong table.

        "Calm down Ms. Ortiz, now what's really bothering you because I am very sure it's not The 'missions' as you've been calling them."

       "It's the demigod I toured, I know him and I just want to keep him safe, but I don't want him to know who I am."

      Chiron gave a nod. "Is that why you toured him, so you could be in contact with him?"

       Delta looked down. "Again may I state, why else would I. It's just the elf means a lot to me, But I failed him and that's not me just putting myself down, I can see it in his eyes. Something happened when I was gone, I just don't know what. The stupid part of me that runs away, it's been there from the beginning and because of it I couldn't help him when he needed it the most."

         Delta dragged her left hand down her face then up again before bringing it into her hair and gripping it like someone's life depended on it. She sat in a chair and for the first time since getting stuck at camp (read being forced to stay) her shoulders untensed and she slouched in her seat. She turned her head to Seymour on the wall who gave her a small roar gesturing his head toward Chiron, she trailed her thumb across her neck in a threatening way, gave him the bird, and turned her head back around.

       "I thought you were still blaming Percy and Jason for all your problems, not the, what do you call him. Ah yes, 'the elf'."

         Delta answered with a sigh but decided to correct Chiron. "I'm not blaming him for my problems, I never could and never can, how could I, I mean..." Delta's words were slowly turned into a mumble as she realized what she was saying.

       "What did you say Delta?" Chiron could only think of three possible concepts to her mumble, either Delta figured out something important, she was hiding something, or she insulted the gods, Again.

     "I said it's the God's fault." As soon as saying it Delta heard lightning from above her. "Oh, Fuck Off!" She yelled, more to herself than the gods. Her quick response to Chiron was a little too quick and he would suspect something now.

Delta pulled her pocket watch out and looked at the time. "It's time for the bonfire, can we drop this for now? I want to make sure Piper's okay."

"We will be talking about that IPod later Delta."

Delta already walking out of the room gave Chiron a salute and rolled her eyes.


The first person Delta saw at the fire was Leo, he was sitting next to Nyssa playing with bolts and knuts. She quickly looked away and searched for Piper, once finding her Delta sat beside her.

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