F-Boy Kitchen (A "sweets" Short)

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This is just a short where Jaden, Blake, Noah, and her are all doing an episode of F-Boy kitchen where Blake is forcing her to be the host/judge while he does it with Jaden. Noah has to do it with her mostly because she doesn't want to.

Somewhere around October 2020ish


Rory POV

"Rory doesn't want to be here," Blake face pouts at the camera before looking back towards me, "But we don't care!" His voice comes out cheerier this time and I huff, jokingly rolling my eyes. Noah laughs in that way that he does, pulling a stool over to sit next to me and watch them, still on screen. He leans towards me as Blake introduces that their making breakfast sandwiches,

"You hate this don't you?" He grins, laughing at me.

"I liked filming that video at James' but I just got to chill in that, I'm no good at talking," I say, nervously picking at the side of my thumb in my hand. He gives me a reassuring smile before Jaden throws a piece of cheese at us, making me squeal.

"Okay, well, while those two girls have been gabbing over there, we true men have been pumping the iron and getting out our ingredients," Blake says to the camera, smirking, clearly proud of himself.

"Nah, nah, nah, we don't do toxic masculinity here in the F-Boy kitchen. Here, we can all be F-Boys or... what did you say?" Jaden turns to Blake before continuing, "Ah yes, gabbing girls. We're inclusive," He flashes the camera a smile with two thumbs up.

I roll my eyes, deciding to be brave even though the camera is running. I jump down from the stool that I was placed onto, or more so forced onto(yes, I was literally placed up here. They picked me up, and lifted me up here as I tried to scream my head off. I know. Very mature. Thank you.), and walking over to stand in between them.

I do the muscle arm thing, rounding out my arms in front of my torso. The two boys next to me just look down, look back at the camera, and then back towards me. After a few seconds all four of us start laughing before I relax, saying,

"Get back to work!" Shooting my arm in the air and then walking back to Noah. I struggle slightly, but eventually get back in my seat.

"See, everyone always says she's too calm for Bryce. But in reality," Jaden moves so he looks like he's telling the camera a secret, "Shes crazier than him." I grin innocently from my stool, swinging my legs far above the leg bar between the legs of the chair. I giggle as Noah nods, agreeing with Jaden.


"Rory, come on, do you even need to try them?" Jaden smirks, gesturing loosely towards the two sandwiches in front of me. "We all know it's bacon for the win!"

"No, no, no, see, Rory, that's where he's wrong. This sandwich, with this ham, is the best sandwich ever!" I giggle at the passion on Blake's face, as Jaden rolls his eyes.

"Rory, let's just both eat some of each," Noah says, before addressing the boys and making some joke that I barely pay attention to.

I grab a huge knife from the counter, anxiously weighing it in my hand for a second before shaking my head.

I can hold a damn knife.

I breathe in before taking it and cutting Blake's sandwich into perfect quarters and doing the same with Jaden's.

Once I'm finished I realized they've all shut up and we're just watching me precisely section the four quarters. "You're strange, you know that Ro?" Jaden asks, laughing at the end of the sentence. I giggle nervously, setting down the knife.

I notice Blake carefully nudge it further away from me, but I ignore it, handing a piece of Jaden's to each of the boys before grabbing my own.

We try it, and Jaden hyped it up, before we do the same thing with Blake's.

Neither are bad, I just hate making decisions. So, every time I get asked to pick, I just shrug.

"Guys, she's not going to pick." Jaden points out, Blake and Noah still trying to coax and answer out of me.

"Okay fine, I like the ham one bett-" Noah starts, but Blake starts shouting and pumping his fists,

"YES!" I giggle as he picks me up and swings me around.

"Blake put me down! I will call Amelie!" I threaten, laughing as he quickly puts me down. I smile innocently between him and the camera. "Am I done now!"

They all sigh, rolling their eyes playfully.


I honestly think that this might possibly be the worst thing I've ever written, but I really did like the idea.

I don't know, it's cute though.

Hope you liked it!

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