Lie Detector (A "sweets" Short)

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Idea by username_0077 from the comments! Thank you xx!

Somewhere in September/October 2020


Rory POV

"Okay so when I decided to do this video and we had planned it and everything, I tweeted out that we were doing it, just curious what people wanted to know about you guys right?" Jason says, looking around the room. We've been filming for almost an hour because Jason wanted to do a video with the boys, and this is also technically a video for Noah's channel. I've just been hanging out, since Blake and Jason have already gone, but Bryce is about to. Bryce's arm is around my shoulder and I'm cuddled into his side. Griffin, Josh, Vinnie, and Rafy are just hanging out. I know that Josh and Griffin have to go later.

"Did Griffin cheat?" Griffin jokes, his voice mocking, making all of us laugh and Jason to the same before shaking his head,

"No, it was literally person after person saying to do Rory!" I stiffen, raising my eyebrows. Bryce holds me a little tighter as if to tell me he knows I'm not doing that, before laughing with everyone else,

"It's just, do you really like Bryce?" He laughs, everyone knowing that's been one of the top comments on everyone's TikTok lately, no one believes I'm actually friends with x person, or the whole house, or if Bryce an I are dating for clout. Which barely makes sense, because no one knew who I was before hand, and we didn't come out as dating for three plus months. But it's fine.

"Would you want to do that Rory?" Rafy asks, and I just look at Bryce, not sure how to answer. I want to make sure all fo them get the content they need, but also, the internet doesn't know very much about me and I like it that way for now.

I open my mouth to answer before Bryce speaks again, "Why don't we do a specific section of my questions as ones about Rory. About our relationship. But she gets to decide what goes in or not." I look at him, smiling before looking around to Jason. He grins, before walking over to John to make sure everything is ready so they can start rolling again.


"Okay Bryce, it's time for our special segment!" Everyone cheers as I smile lightly, Jason and Bryce tag teaming to explain what we're doing.

"First question: Did you know you and Rory would date when you met her at first?"

"Yes." He answers firmly, and I look towards John, curious even though I know that answer.


"Who said I love you first?"



"If she had had followers before you started dating, do you think you would have announced your relationship sooner?"

"If she was the same person she is, no we would not."


"But also, if she wasn't the same, there's not even a question because I only would ever want to be with my Rory." I widen my eyes, covering my mouth to keep myself from squealing. I have the most perfect boyfriend.

"True." John says, clearly fighting a smile, causing everyone to start cheering and screaming. I laugh happily, meeting eyes with Bryce as we both grin at each other.

Jason just clears his throat, smiling, "Okay, after that oh so strong reminder that I am in fact single, let's move onto the next question!" We all laugh again, and I grab a pillow and hug it as he asks the next question, "Did you ever think that Rory was dating you for 'clout'? And before you go all 'Grr I'm a protective boyfriend' on me, it was a suggested question," Jason holds his hands up.

"No. I never did."


"People think I'm a dumb fuck. Or that I'm okay with mutual clout farming even in relationships. No, I fell in love, I have a girlfriend, and my supporters who really care about me need to be okay with that." He stares directly into the camera, getting more and more serious.

"Okaaaay, something a little lighter then. Do you support Rory being on social media?"

"Yes, as long as its healthy. She's doing it for fun, and it should stay that way. I support her no matter what, but I also just want her to be happy." I smile lightly as Jason continues after John approves his answer,

"Is Rory the hottest chick you've met in LA?" I almost choke as everyone laughs at the expression on Bryce's face.

"I mean, hell yeah, she's the hottest girl on earth!" He says making everyone laugh. I look down, blushing as John says,

"True. According to him very true."

"Alrighty, let's do one last one. Hmmm... okay, Josh suggested this one, I just want to be clear, who do you think is the worst influence on Rory?" He looks around and everyone starts laughing as Bryce laughs,

"Why was this necessary? Like why this goddamned question?" I giggle as he talk laughs.

"Alright, alright," Bryce says, smirking at me before looking around, banging his head back, "Ummm, I'm gonna say... the Nach girls in general because they got her to dye her hair even though it's sexy as hell," I blush again, laughing along with everyone else as he tries to save himself.


"Alright then, its officially Josh's turn!" Jason says and then they turn the cameras off to switch the equipment. Once Bryce is out, he walks over to me, sitting back down and pulling me into his lap. He sets his chin on my shoulder, his arms wrapped around my waist, as he whispers in my ear,

"Sexy as hell Sweets," and I giggle as he presses a kiss to my cheek.


When they requested this, I got really excited. I obviously wasn't basing this on the actual video but I did watch it first or at least Bryce's part to make it... somewhat?... realistic? I don't know.

I thought it might be cute. Idk.

I've written a couple hundred words of the last chapter but I still don't know how I feel about doing it and t kind of makes me nauseous so I'm writing these to work up to it.

Thank you all of reading, love you guys!

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