Chapter 5: Simp

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Bryce POV

I'm laughing with Ryland when I see Alex and Thomas out of the corner of my eye laughing at something on a phone. A bunch of people are crowded around them, but I don't see Rory. I have a bad feeling in my stomach. That might be all the alcohol I've had tonight but...

I look around and I see the chairs Kouvr, Mia, and Rory were sitting in empty except for a phone. It's then that I see Blake and Jaden frantically waving me over to where Alex and them are.

Oh sh*t...



We step into the elevator and as the doors close Rory curls up into a ball in the corner. I'm actually a little worried because even before we got in and the joke started she kept nervously glancing at the cat in my hands, and I'm worried she's gonna actually freak out. But like she knows it's a joke right?

The doors close and I set Artemis down, standing in the other corner against the buttons, pretending to record with my phone so Bryce will think I'm in on it but she isn't.


Bryce POV

I run over and my heart drops when I see Alex's phone come towards my face, both his and Thomas cameras aimed at me.

"HEY WHAT THE HELL IS THIS" I yell, actually angry. This isn't me playing for the camera. I'm angry, "Did you actually trap my girlfriend in an elevator?!" Blake holds me back from getting up in their faces.

"You steal our sign, we steal your girl." Ryland says from the other side of the small group gathered here.

"What, you stick her in there with two of her worst fears? That's you plan?!" My eyes are glued to the phone screen. She's just curled up in a ball in the corner, and Mia standing on the edge with her phone.

"Mia told us she was scared of cats, so we ran with it" Alex laughs.

"What the f**k bro, she super claustrophobic!" I just yell.

"Wait she is?" Thomas' eyes widen.

"Blake wtf why didn't you tell him that!" I turn my anger on my friend. He just puts hands in the air and I turn back to Thomas, pulling my hand through my hair. She's trapped in that elevator with a cat. She's probably scared out of he mind. Oh my god.


Blake POV

Bryce is just losing it. He first ran over to the elevator and banged on the doors, then he started chasing Alex around the pool.

"Let her out! This is too far man!"

"We locked it, we didn't know!" Alex says, before turning and holding out his arms out, making sure Bryce lets him hand his camera to Patty, who noticed him getting chased, before Bryce tries to attack him again.

"Bro! Bryce! The elevators started again, they're coming up bro" Jaden yells, turning his attention to Thomas who is over by the elevator with Kouvr.

The plan is she's gonna stay in the elevator while Mia walks out and Bryce is gonna go in. When he goes to comfort her, she's gonna jump up and scare him.

The doors open and Bryce sprints towards them, as Mia walks out, going in between Kouvr and Thomas. We can all see Rory curled up in a ball in the far corner and, as Bryce slowly walks towards her, just jumps up, koala bearing him.

"We got you Bubbas!" She yells in his ear, everyone around cheering and yelling.

"See, I told you I liked this one!" Mia yells at Bryce, who slowly walks out of the elevator, shock written on his face as Rory hangs off him, truly looking like a koala.

"You did this?" He points at Thomas. He nods and then Bryce points at Kouvr and Mia, who also nod, same with Alex, same with Jaden, Nick, and Calvin. Then he looks at me and I just grin, shrugging my shoulders.

"You were in one this Ror?" She takes her face out of his neck, sheepishly nodding before giggling,

"I could hear you screaming in the elevator, Mia called you a..." She looks at Mia who finishes for her.

"Simp, Bryce you're a simp," His face goes red but before he can say anything, we all hear Rory start giggling uncontrollably, leaning her face into his beet red neck.

"Oh you think that's funny do you? Hmm sweets, is that funny?" She nods making him lift her up, laughing as well now, "Okay, well I think this is funny!" He runs with her in the air, basically tossing her into the pool. The whole roof erupts into laughter and cheering as the music starts again. Mia, Kouvr, and Avani all jump in the water near Rory, and they all start laughing at something she said.

I look to see Bryce walking towards me.

"Let me guess, you told them all of this?"

"Yup pretty much"

"Alright, not bad not bad" We laugh and do a bro hug thing as Tayler, Nate, Alex, Thomas, and Jaden walk over.

"Well, we know what the new clickbait is." Thomas says with a huge grin looking at his camera before turning it at Bryce.

"And what would that be Thomas?" Bryce says, with a smirk, knowing exactly what he's going to say.

"Well what else but, Bryce Hall is a Simp"

"oooof course" Bryce and all of us start laughing.

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