Chapter 2: Suit

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Rory POV

"YO EVERYONE, IT'S BRYCE HALL, ROLLING UP!" I hear a loud voice as Bryce parks the car. He laughs and sticks his head out the open window, yelling towards the two boys I now see walking towards where we're parked in the street,

"Yo Thomas, you too scared we're gonna take over your house, or can we come in?" I hit him on the arm but he ignores me. That was rude of him to say. The guy who yelled, who I assume isn't Thomas since the other one rolled his eyes at Bryce's stupid comment, says, looking into the backseat,

"Sup Blake, Griffin, hey Anthony!" Y'know, this guy looks kind of like Bryce... not like a ton but, somewhat. It's then that I realize that everyone else is out of the car and is doing that bro hug thing they do with Thomas and the other guy. Bryce looks back at me in the middle of laughing, signaling one minute. He pulls out his phone and pulls up what I assume is Tiktok.

He and Thomas start yelling at each other while Bryce holds the phone a bit away from them, filming. Anthony, Griffin, and the mystery guy stand behind them laughing while Blake walks back towards me,

"Ro, you gonna get out or are you just gonna sit there?" He grins at me while opening the door for me. I tentatively step out of the car with my phone in my hand, putting it into my waistband with my AirPods. The boys are done with their video, and everyone's attention turns to me quickly.

"Who is the girl?" The boy I don't know asks, as Blake pushes me forward, towards Bryce who takes my hand.

"This girl is the girl I've been talking about, she's my, well... she's my girlfriend." At those words the two boys' mouths drop, while the Sway boys laugh as Bryce continues, "This is Aurora. She goes by Rory, Rory meet Tayler" He points are the boy who looks like him, "And this is Thomas, Thomas is the manager, leader, etc etc of the Hype House." I smile and shyly step forward, going to shake his hand.

"You're the girl Griffin told me is taming Bryce? Give me a hug dude!" Tayler picks me up and squeezes me. My eyes widen and I mouth "Help me" to Bryce over his shoulder.

I'm saved instead by Josh and Nessa walking out with Jaden and two more boys I don't know. Tayler sets me down and says, "Did you guys know Bryce has a real life girlfriend who isn't Addison and no one told me?!" towards Jaden and Josh. They ignore his question, Jaden noticing me and running towards me to push me up into the air, spinning me in a hug. I laugh and hug him back before hugging Nessa hard when he sets me down. I love Nessa, she's my best friend, and also she's just barely shorter than me. It's fun because no one is ever even near my height.

"Bryce Hall has a girlfriend?" One of the boys asks, looking around in confusion.

"Oh wait, didn't Josh mention her like a couple of weeks ago... Isn't your name Rory or something?"

"Yeah, nice to meet you. May I ask who you are?" They all, including Tayler and Thomas, look at me with shock written across their faces.

"You don't know who we are?" Thomas raises an eyebrow, a small smile growing on his face.

"Guys she doesn't even have Instagram or Tiktok, she's never seen your faces before," Brave says before wrapping his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in close. I just smile at the boys, slightly ashamed, as they gawk at me.

"Ro, this is Nick and this is Ryland." Nessa finally speaks up for me pointing out the two boys.

"See buddies, not so bad. You don't have to be famous to everyone," Josh says, wrapping his arm around Nessa the same way Bryce is holding me.

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