Chapter 42: Only One

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-a week later-

Rory POV

"Pleeeeeeease Noah?" I beg, grinning up at the tall boy

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"Pleeeeeeease Noah?" I beg, grinning up at the tall boy. He just got back from staying at Curtis' house and the Hype House for a few days, and I'm laying in his bed while he puts his clothes into a dirty clothes bin.

For me to wash later by the way.

"Bryce is not letting you go to the Bahamas with us Rory."

"But if you go again, all I'm saying is I'm small enough- I can just go in your suitcase!" I smile brightly. I was looking at Bryant's pictures of them on Bryce's phone after he came in so I ran up here.

"It's really far, and Chase always goes. Bryce isn't letting you out of his sight for that long or that far away, and we both know him going is out of the question." He raises his eyebrows at me, pursing his lips, making me roll my eyes. He reaches over and pulls the sweatshirt I'm laying on out from under me, making me yelp and pout. He just laughs as I continue complaining,

"It looks so fun though! And I love all of you so much, Charli, Dixie, Chase, YOU, ooooooo and Larray!" He laughs at me as I rant more, "I just want to have some fun!"

"You do have fun! You were at the Hype House like four times, and you went over to see Cynthia and her whole house with Charli right? You went to Avani's apartment, you went to Charli and Dixie's house WITH Curtis, Chase, and I! Bryce even got you a trampoline, just so you would stay here more because you've been doing so much!" I consider what he's saying, and while I know he's right...

"But the Bahamas..." He laughs again, laying next to me, taking out his phone. He opens Instagram and I watch as he scrolls.

"WAIT! Is that me?!" I grab Noah's arm, and look at the picture he stopped on.


🤍   💬

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🤍 💬

brycehall I don't usually get on here and do things like this, but leave my girlfriend alone. She is not a part of this world. Seriously, I love you guys, but you are not supporting me if you aren't supporting her. And all that is is not hating on her or our relationship. Just be nice people, and enjoy your own life, and you won't need to say the shit you do about my girl. Because she's gorgeous, sweet, and amazing, so she's clearly not the problem.

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"Why did he post that?" I look up at Noah whose eyes are wide.

"Uhhm- don't worry about it. I'm sure it's not-" I don't even let him finish before I'm running out of the room. I hear him yelling after me but I just ignore it. I feel my hands start to shake as I run, feeling the anxiety run through my body.

I knew all the fans, Bryce's especially obviously, haven't like me since Bryant and all of them put me out there the first time, but Bryce... that was serious. He's never serious, especially not online.

"Rory, Rory, don't worry about it seriously-" Noah runs up behind me as I walk into the living room, seeing Jaden, Josh, Blake, and Bryce sitting on the couch. All four of them snap their heads up to look at us, and I can tell the look on my face tells them everything.

Bryce jumps off the couch, pulling me into his chest, hugging me. I can feel his jaw moving over my head, him and Noah having a silent conversation, before Bryce suddenly squeezes my tighter, putting his nose into my hair.

I see Noah walk around us, and I hear him and the boys walk out, a door closing.

"You saw my post?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" I follow up his question, knowing well enough that he knows the answer, he just doesn't know how to approach this.

"Sweets, you've been going through so much the past... well ever. How was I supposed to add this to all of that? Especially when it wasn't even important?" I pull away slightly, only enough to look up at him.

"Your f-fans, the most important people in your li-life, them hating me and-d everything about our relationship wasn't important? I kne-knew something was going on, I knew they d-didn't like me, but it was bad enough you had to say something? I ha-hang out with so many people who see all of that, and you didn't e-even war-" He cuts my rant off by leaning down and pressing our lips together. After a few seconds he pulls back, leaving me out of breath,

"You, Sweets, you are the most important person in my life. Always. You are all that matters. I didn't tell you because this isn't a part of my life you wanted to deal with, and I was respecting that. But fans were starting to go to far. No one wanted you to deal with it. Quinton, Jaden, and me have all been trying to stop it. Jaden tweeted about it a while back, all three of us did. I know Cynthia and Madi's posts that you were in had the same issue and Quinton got heated during a live the other day. We all, no matter how we feel about each other, Not A Content House, the Hype House, even some of the Club House people you've met, and especially everyone in Sway, we all know you. We all love you. We dragged you into this, by this being our jobs. This isn't your problem." Bryce looks deep into my eyes, speaking so intently that I can't look away. When he's finished, I look down before asking,

"I d-don't blame them."


"I don't blame th-those girls." He pushes my chin up, looking me dead in the eye.


"I saw those co-comments a fe-few months ago, on that one post, the one y-you introduced me as your "sweets". They were all about how I'm f-fat, or I'm not good enough for you, or why would you ever date me? They're r-right. I'm j-just a nobody from the middle of Alabama, who has ch-childhood and now adulthood trauma. I'm j-just a no-nobody who is holding you back because I w-won't be apart o-of this world. I-I'm your girlfriend Bryce," I look up at him finally, and find him practically glaring at me, which makes me wince but I continue, "And yo-you're one of the bi-biggest social m-media stars on the planet, and y-yet I won't even download Instagram. Isn't th-that weird to you?" He finally looks away, shaking his head, before looking back towards me,

"Rory, you are the love of my life. You think I would care more about some stupid apps than you? I don't care what you want to do, I get it. I might not understand everything about your life, about how you feel when you get anxious, but I will always support you through it the best I can. My fans are just going to have to deal with that, and the fact that you are the only one I want. Alright Sweets?" I blush, looking down. I just nod, making him laugh. "See, that's what makes it all worth it. How quickly I can shut you up and make you blush." He smirks, before wrapping his arms back around me, our lips connecting again.


Hi! I'm hoping to get some more chapters out tonight! I'm having a lot of fun actually!

I really love this story. Sometimes it's hard to write this relationship stuff because I have problems talking to people, but I think I'm slowly getting better at it.

The next chapter will have Charli and Dixie in it!

Please vote and comment, it actually means so much to me. I really love the support.

Comment on their relationship specifically. Some people want me to go father with that than others, so let me know your opinion.

Thank you all so much for reading, I love you guys! xx

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