Chapter 4: Prank

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re published october ninth
edited tbd

Rory POV

"Excuse you, we were talking to her," Kouvr says, play glaring at Alex.

"Sorry bub, we're doing this now"

"Wait no, what are you doing?" I say, like really is no one going to acknowledge me in this situation. They're clearly about to do something to me.

"Just give us your phone. We have a plan," Blake tried to convince me, laughing.

"No absolutely not, Thomas what are you guys planning this time." Mia glares at him, making him sigh.

"Okay fine. You know how Bryce stole the Hype House sign?" Everyone nods but I just look at him confused.


"Do you not watch your boyfriend's vlogs?" Calvin says at the same time as Paper says,

"It's was awesome!"

"I watch them usually but his last two
(a/n: meaning his stealing the hype house sign and his confronting Sebastian from Club House ones) he told me not to watch because they were stupid and he made someone mad and I wouldn't like it," I respond, receiving confused looks from everyone but Blake, who was there when Bryce said that.

"What if he had cheated on you or something?" Nick says, receiving a slap on the arm from Kouvr with a glare, to which he responds, "What?! It's Bryce?"

"Bryce is getting to be better. Mainly because of Rory. Plus she trusts him, right Ror?" Blake defends his friend, turning towards me.

"Right. He's my boyfriend. I shouldn't be dating him if I don't trust him. If he says I shouldn't I shouldn't." I say firmly. Why would he cheat on me though, why would they ask that?

"Okay okay we're off topic. So he took that from us. And it was a joke, and we're not actually mad, but we want to get revenge for our vlogs." Alex says.

"So the idea is, we saw how upset Bryce got when you disappeared earlier when you were talking to Jaden and Nessa. So we thought, what if we stole you?" Thomas finishes. I just give him a confused look.

"What does that mean? How do you "steal" a person?"

"Okay so, we were thinking, yknow how you're scared of elevators Rory?" Blake says, and I just glare at him. "and cats?" Mia looks at me shocked.

"Why didn't you tell me when we went into my room!"

"I can deal with it enough. And yes Blake... I'm extremely claustrophobic... and scared of cats... why...."

"Well Bryce knows that, so we're gonna say we told you to use a bathroom downstairs, put a cat in the elevator, and then stopped the elevator on purpose to mess with you and, in turn, him. Well say Mia noticed and told us, so we're using it. You'll be stuck between floors, but Bryce will freak out because on its own that's a horribly stupid revenge, but he knows you're claustrophobic and scared of cats, so he'll freak out and sweat about it because you're stuck and scared and then we'll start it and prank him. Since we know, but he doesn't know that Blake told us that, about the elevators." Alex explains, everyone looking to see if I'm okay with it.

"Okay, so yes, that's a great revenge, but you're forgetting something."

"What?" Calvin asks, all eyes on me.

"I'm still scared of elevators and cats. I'm assuming since you guys do youtube that you have cameras everywhere, so there's probably one in the elevator. It's not a prank if it's real,"

"oh yeah..." Calvin says, looking at Alex, who looks at Thomas, who looks at Blake. Blake stares at the ground for a second, thinking before lighting up.

"Okay! So Ror, music calms you down, right?" I just nod in confirmation, "Okay so we'll have you curl up in a ball and have your arms covering your ears. You can just close your eyes and put your AirPods in. You brought them right?" I hold them up, and everyone quietly cheers.

"okay... fine i'll do it. But Mia has to go with me. Or Kouvr."

"I'll go, you can say I brought the cat with me under a sweatshirt. Like we went to my room, she went to the bathroom, and while she did that I grabbed the cat. When we get back on the elevator you guys stop it, and she'll act scared"

"What if the cat hurts you though Mia?" I ask, genuinely concerned. Mia goes to respond, clearly confused, before Blake cuts her off.

"Don't even try, she's convinced cats are evil and hate everyone. She's actually terrified of them. Like this is a legitimate huge fear of hers." Everyone looks at me and I just pout at Blake.

"What? They're scary..." He laughs, throwing his head back. "Okay Rory, whatever."

"Okay but seriously Rory, we need your phone." Thomas says, holding out his hand. I look at him, confused, before looking at Blake.

"Rory, you're the worst lier ever. Absolute sh*t. He'll try calling you, and you cannot answer because he'll know it's a prank right away. Absolutely not. You're gonna leave your phone here, with us, like you left it since you'd think you were coming back." He gives me a look like don't even try to deny it, just hand it over, making me sigh and hand my phone to Thomas.

"Fine okay, here," I hand him the phone.

"Alright c'mon Rory, lets get this over with so the boys can get their vlog footage and we can be done," Mia pulls my hand, pulling me off the char, dragging me towards me elevator. I look back to see if I can see Bryce but he's... shotgunning another White Claw, oh wonderful.

I get it like it's him having fun, which is why I don't say much. But also, like it just scares me. I don't know. I'm sure it's fine. When he got arrested I was furious. But he promised me it was a big misunderstanding and it was a one time thing and I took his word for it. It was just terrifying. I'm pretty sure after yelling for like half an hour, I cried for like two hours laying in bed with him. I was so upset.


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