Chapter 41: Silent

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hey guys, before you read this, please comment any suggestions for books that I should read that are kind of like mine or maybe not at all that are in this kind of within these people and this fandom. I'm really bored and I can't always get the motivation to write, so if you have any suggestions, then please comment them! thank you I hope you enjoy!


Rory POV

"Do you want to leave? Or stay?" Bryce asks, his hands on either side of the table that my back is to as I sit backwards in the chair. His PAU chain hanging down towards my face.

"Can we even do that? Just ditch my own party?" I tilt my head and he smirks,

"We're going to," He shrugs before standing straight, taking my hand and pulling me out of my chair sideways.


We walk around the party, and I say bye to everyone, hugging Chase and whispering an apology into his ear. He just squeezed me tightly and told me none of it was my fault. I hugged all of the Hype House people, while Bryce, Josh, Jaden, Quinton, Blake, Noah, Kio, Anthony, and Griffin just stood by the door with Mads, Nessa, Cynthia, Amelie, and Avani. All the girls smiled at me when I looked over, and it's not that the boys looked like they were glaring at me... they just clearly wanted to leave and be away from a considerable amount of people who came to my party.

So much for "No drama".

I guess that's why Bryce seemed in such a hurry to leave, they boys are trying not to beat anyone up. I guess they're doing that for me... I think that that's sweet?

I made plans to go to the Hype House soon, and I'm actually really excited, as well as to go back to the D'Amelio's again. Apparently Marc broke up the arguing, but honestly I don't care. I had a fun night, especially compared to the last few weeks.

So everything is fine.


"We haven't had a movie night in forever!" Kio yells, picking me up in a hug and swinging me around after I mentioned the idea. We had all been standing around in the entryway of the house for a while, after me and all the girls went and changed upstairs, all of us wearing mostly the boys' clothes. I grabbed my favorite sweatshirt of Bryce's and some random shorts of mine before getting my glasses and running downstairs. I didn't miss anything though, all of them were filming their million Tiktok's of the night, while Josh and Bryce each filmed their outro's for their vlogs.

"Wait- It has, It was when Quinton came back out

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"Wait- It has, It was when Quinton came back out." Griffin says, making all of us laugh, remembering the goofy memory.


As the song finishes, Jaden laughs, saying, "Y'know Ro, I had no idea you had moves like that, I am in fact impressed," He nods, putting his thumb and forefinger on his chin, pretending to check me out before saying, "You know as one of your self proclaimed older brothers, I would like to point out that your shorts should be much, much shorter," I just roll my eyes at him, making us both break out laughing.

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