Chapter 36: Always

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Warning: Mentions of assault and violence, please know what you can handle reading and what is healthy for you to be exposed to.


Everyone seems to think that I need to update more often and that I need to update so here you guys go.

I'm doing my best. I always am, I promise. I love you guys, I love this book, and I love my characters, so much.

I feel like this book is losing popularity, and even if it is, that's okay. I know I update irregularly, but I'm trying. I am. I don't do this for attention or for the votes or ratings or anything. I just really love writing.

So for those of you who actually read these little notes that I write, thank you.

I hope you enjoy this, even if it is a little intense (but what's new?).

Rory POV

Kouvr didn't want to let me leave, but I had to get out of there

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Kouvr didn't want to let me leave, but I had to get out of there. I couldn't handle everything.

I know that now that everyone knows, they probably think I just want to go do something. But I'm also an adult so she can't stop me.

So I got in an uber, went home, changed into my favorite outfit, made up of Bryce's clothes of course, and now I'm cleaning.

I honestly don't know what else to do.

It's 3 am now, and none of the boys have come home. I don't really know what to do.

So I'm cleaning up pizza boxes with Jaden's music blasting. I walk out the front of the house, to the dumpster that Bryce got a few weeks ago, throwing the third full trash bag of the night away.

"Hi Doll." My eyes widen as I hear the voice that has most recently haunted my nightmares, aside from falling. I shakily turn around, my eyes widening.

"Lucas... w-why-" I try to speak, but my voice gives out as he steps closer.

"I've been waiting to see you again. Ever since your little boyfriend came to visit." He sneers down as me, backing me up against the dumpster. I gulp, unable to say anything still. "It's a shame we got interrupted that night by your friend. We could've had some fun."

I try to duck away, just trying to get nearer to the front door, but he grasps my hands, pulling me back. "Now I've had to wait long enough for this. Your friend getting my friends to rough me up, your boyfriend coming into my home and disrespecting me, throwing hands, only made me wait for this more. I saw you that night, and... wow," he leans down and I keep struggling to get away as his face come closer to mine.

I feel my breaths get shorter as his lips touch mine. I try to shake my head away from his but he uses his large body to press my smaller one against the dumpster, his hands covering the sides of my head.

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