~Chapter Twenty One~

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(Y/n's POV)

    Ya know, there's time where I really hate people. This is one of those times. I'm in this stupid situation all because this bitch doesn't know when to stop! Oh God, I'm so mean. So is he at times, but still! Anyways, I really don't want to tell hime for many reasons. Some of them are the fear of Oscar finding out, the fear that if I tell, that Oscar will beat me or my friends/brother, I already told Jack, which is one too many, and other reasons. Why can't Race just give up/know when to stop? 

"Wellll....?" Race says, interrupting my thoughts.

"Race please- just I-I- Race I can't tell you!" I stumble over my words while running my hand through my hair.

    Race's facial expression quickly shifts to a distressed look and upsetly says, "Well why not? We tell each other everything! Why won't you tell me this?"

"Because I can't!" I say a bit loudly, "I just can't tell you this! At least not right now!"

    I am now very obviously distressed. I think he noticed because he stopped saying anything and just sat there with me. All I can think is 'what have I gotten myself into'?  The thought races faster and faster through my head, to the point where it's going faster than my mind can even think. It gets louder each time so no other thought can come across my mind. I can hear and feel the thumping of my heart catching up to the speed of the thought. Other thoughts mange to squeeze its way in saying 'Oh God', 'You're so stupid', 'This is all your fault', 'No one loves you', and more like that. 

    I might as well have just run a mile or more with my breathing like this. So heavy and fast. My eyesight quickly becomes blurry as they fill with tears. I don't feel in control of my own body. My hands find their way to my hair and tightly grab it close to the scalp when they reach the middle of my head. I can't see or hear anything clearly. I can't think clearly. I can't even breath correctly or anything. Though everything happened so quick, just that alone felt like 30 minutes or more.

    I feel something touch me and I uncontrollably flinch. I feel the touch again but this time don't flinch. Based off of what I know and can feel, I believe I am pulled into a side hug by Race. He is only using one of his arms and gently rests his head on my head. I slowly soften in his hold but am still tense. My breathing is still so quick and heavy. It's harder to breath with each inhale and exhale through my mouth. It's so dry and I want to get it less dry, but it's so hard to do that when you can't really breathe out of your nose. I think Race is on his phone because I see a bright blur. At this point I'm just looking at blurs so I decide to close my eyes. Tears then stream down my face. They soon get to the edge of my face and don't want to leave. The tears can't hang onto my face any longer so they fall off, I think landing on Race.

    Race starts humming and sightly rocking us back and forth. I try to pick up on what he's humming. Ugh! It's on the tip of my tongue! When the hands would come in as one... OH! It's Time from Tuck! I love this song. It's really sad but it's so good. I don't really understand why, but it can be a comfort song for me. I being to slowly be able to breathe out of my nose again. Not well, but it's progress!

(Davey's POV)

    I hear a high pitched ding come from my phone, bringing me out of the trance from my book. I keep the book open and grab my phone, looking at who just texted me.

Race: Hey Dave do you know how to calm down someone that's having a panic attack

    I now have questions. One, why is he asking me instead of just searching it up? Two, who is having a panic attack? Three, why can't he just use proper punctuation? I will say he's gotten better though, now he capitalizes things.

Me: Why?

Race: Cause N/n is having one and Im right next to her and idk what to do

Me: Well one way is to distract the person that's having the panic attack, that way they can focus on something other than what they're panicking about. Another thing could be doing something that you know calms them down. Also, why is Y/n having a panic attack? What happened?

Race: I think I accidentally stressed her out by asking her questions over and over again that she said she couldn't tell me I feel so bad because Im pretty positive I caused the panic attack

Me: Oh.

Race: I'll update you when she calms down

Me: Okay

    I'm a bit- no more than a bit upset to find out that Race might've cause Y/n to have the panic attack. How could he? Jeez, I need to calm down. It might have not been his fault, but he shouldn't have kept asking whatever those stupid questions were. 

    I sorta wish I were there though, holding her in my arms and calming her down. It might be better that Race is there though because he probably actually knows how to calm her down. I can still wish she were in my arms though. I decide to go back to my book, hoping to distract myself for a little bit from my worries and such.


I hope you guys liked this chapter. Once again, I apologize for the late posting for the chapters. I'm trying to get chapters out earlier, but I get busy with school and some other things are preventing me from writing/getting the chapters out earlier. I hope you guys have a great day/afternoon/night! Love y'all!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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