~Chapter Two~

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(Y/n's POV)
I head down the crowded freshman hallway and go to my locker as fast as possible. I have language arts for my first two periods (I'm not sure how it works at your school but at my school we do 2 class periods in a row for language arts, so I'm just gonna do it like that), but I take the class for sophomores because I'm ahead of my grade for it. I put my bag away and grab the stuff I need for class. I then go as fast as I can to the sophomore hall and into the classroom.

I finally get to the classroom and see 2 other freshmen, Jack, and Race. My smile gets even bigger and I hurry to the table with Jack and Race.

"Hi!" I say while sitting.

"Hey," Jack says with a wave and a smile.

"Hey N/n!" Race says with a smile. "Whatcha doin' here?"

"Apparently I'm above grade level for language arts so I'm doing a sophomore class, along with two other freshmen," I say and signal to the two other freshmen on the class.

"Ok. Well happy ta have ya here!" Race says and his smile grows bigger.

I giggle and we keep talking some more. Soon the teacher comes in and silences us.

"Hello, class!" She greets us with a smile. "I hope you're excited for your first day! I'm going to do a roll call to see if everyone is here and to learn names, then I'll explain the plan for today!"

She then calls off names and people signal that they are here. We continue with the class as it's kinda boring. We basically just got some stuff ready for the year and learned. Jack, Race, and I passed notes during class about random stuff. Also, Race once got called on to answer a question and the teacher looked disappointed and so done with his accent. So, the three of us just talked. We got a break in between periods. During our break, the three of us just talked. During the next period, the same thing pretty much happened, just no roll call and Race didn't get called on again.

Next, I had Spanish. I hurry to my locker, put my stuff away, and grabbed what I would need. I then hurry to class. We had to choose a language to learn and since we learned it in middle school, I might as well keep learning it. I also choose to do an advanced class because why not. I enter the class and notice a mixture of freshman and sophomores. No one I'm friends with though. Ok then. I choose a random seat and wait for the teacher to be ready. A few more kids come in and I recognize one. Davey! He notices me as well and I wave him over to sit with me. I notice his face flush a tad.

"Hey!" I say excitedly to him as he sits down.

"Hi," he says and smiles at me.

Dang that smile.

The teacher then shushed everyone and does a roll call. Everyone was here so we started. Davey's cute when he's focused. He looks so interested in the topic and there's a sparkle in his eyes and- wait, I need to focus. I then pay attention to the best I can for the rest of the class. After class, we talked and he walked me to my locker. He told me a story about his brother, Les, for most of the way. It was funny. It was about how his brother didn't want Davey to leave when they were younger. We then make it to my locker and say goodbye to each other.

(Davey's POV)


I was able to make her laugh! Holy cow! Now we just have either choir or study hall until lunch! Oh yeah, the school board decided to do two grades for lunches to mix it up a bit. So that mean freshmen and sophomores are together and juniors and seniors are together.

That means I get to see her again!! Yes!

Hi! I don't really know what this chapter was but oh well. I also really wanted you to share a class with Davey so I decided for to have it be Spanish and stuff like that. I don't know why but oh well. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one! Bye!

Her Smile (DaveyxReader)Where stories live. Discover now