~Chapter Sixteen~

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(Y/n's POV)

I wake up after only getting about an hour or two of sleep. I'm hecking tired. I didn't get a lot of sleep because I was thinking of the deal that Oscar proposed and whether I'd accept it or not. I finally made my answer, and a bonus is that I didn't have a nightmare because I hardly got any sleep! yaaayy!


We get off the bus and enter the school. I feel more tense but I still jump on someone's back. I decide to jump on Race's back cause he's one of the ones I feel the most comfortable around. Plus, I need to calm down a bit so maybe being near him will help. Plus, he was a bit easier to get up on.

He looks back to see who it was and then gets a grip on me while saying, "Hey, N/n!"

"Hi," I mumble, laying my head on his shoulder.

"You tired?" he asks.

"What do you think?" I say looking at him dead in the eyes.

The guys chuckle at my comment and (I think) Jack asks, "have you had your coffee(or whatever) yet?"

"Yes, I drank it all already," I whined.

I look back up and see Oscar and Morris. Oscar signals me over and starts heading in the direction of the bathrooms, in which Morris quickly follows. I jump off of Race's back and tell them I have to use the restroom. I quickly rush over to where the restrooms are and see them. Morris is talking to his brother and looks worried while his brother just looks annoyed. Once Oscar sees me he shushes his brother.

"So what's your answer?" He asks, walking towards me.

(Yeah, Imma get killed for this but oh well) I hesitate and reply, "yes."

He smirks then says, "good. We'll talk more later."

He walks away so I turn around and head back to the group. I fidget with my shirt on my way there and wonder how and when I'll tell them. Oh God, they're gonna hate me! Wait...what about Davey...shit. What do I do? I mean I'm doing this to protect them but what if I tell them that and they don't believe me and they hate me forever? What if Oscar and Morris still hurt them? What if they hurt me or don't let me hang out with them again? Well at least I'm protecting them but what if I never get to talk to everyone again and whatiftheyhatemefortherestoftimeandIneverhaveanyfriendseveragainbecauseofthisdesision?

"Hey, Y/n!" I hear a voice say.

I look up and see Davey. Huh. I got to the group without paying attention. Cool. I wave back to Davey and get on Race's back again.

"You okay?" Davey asks.

Race responds for me and says, "she's just tired. Crutchie said that she was up really late."

Ah crap, Crutchie knows. Soon enough the bell rings and the school day officially begins.

Le Time Skip to Lunch

Today I sit in-between my brother and Jack. I scoot closer to Crutchie and lay my head on his shoulder.

"What time did you fall asleep last night?" he asks me quietly.

"I don't know," I whisper. "Like 4 or 5 maybe."

"Jesus Christ why?" he mutters.

"I got caught up in thoughts," I whisper, trying to keep my eyes open.

I sense someone sit down next to me so I look over and see Oscar. Gosh darn-it.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jack asks and takes a drink from his water.

"Well I'm just sitting here next to my girlfriend," He says and looks at me with a smirk.

shitshitshit. After Oscar says that Jack spits out his onto Oscar.

"Your fucking whAT?!" Jack thundered.

Oscar looks disgusted and wipes off some of the spit out water on him. I start trying to make myself as small as possible and look down, not wanting to look at anyones face. Theyhatemetheyhatemetheyhatemeohgodohgodohgod-

"Why the heck are you dating him?" Crutchie whispers to me.

"I promise it's for a good reason and-" I soon get cut off by Oscar.

"Come on Sweetheart. We're leaving," he demands while standing up.

I start to stand up but Crutchie grabs my arm and makes me sit back down, "no, she's staying with us."

Morris goes over to Oscar and drags him away. I look down at my legs and fidget with my shirt. I'm shaking a lot and to some it might look like I'm shivering.

"Why and when?" Crutchie asks?

"What?" I whisper and look at him.

"Why are you dating him and when did you start?"

"We started this morning," I whisper. I don't think I can go any louder than a whisper at the moment. I'm trying to but I physically can't for some reason.

"Why are you dating him?" Crutchie asks a bit louder.

I stay silent. I'm not sure if it'd be okay if I told them why I'm dating him and I'm not sure what'd I'd say for a lie so I just find it easier to not talk. I just look down again and wish I was gone.

"Y/n, answer me," Crutchie demands.

He hasn't used my actual name since the last time I was in trouble... oh crap that means that I'm in trouble. Frick. I still stay silent though. I don't know how to answer the question. I get up to go to the bathroom so I could be away from them and I ignore Crutchie's calls for me to come back. I hear footsteps behind me so I just speed walk as fast as I can way from them. I know that this is all my fault but I'm still upset. Am I being selfish for that?


Hey, I hope you guys liked the chapter! If no one has told you they love you today, I love you! Have a good day/night!

Her Smile (DaveyxReader)Where stories live. Discover now