~Chapter Six~

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(Jack's POV)
(Time Skip To Them On The Way To Game Night Thing)

So apparently Davey can drive. What the fuck, why didn't I know this? But he decided to pick us all up in a mom van that his mom had. Some of us did sit on the floor though and Y/n and Crutchie sat in laps. They were the last to be picked up and there wasn't any room on the floor so we had them sit on laps. Y/n is sitting on Race's lap and Crutchie is sitting in my lap, while his crutches are sitting up against the door. We finally get to the apartment and we pile out of the car and into the building. We all cram into the elevator a ride it up.

I don't think Y/n likes elevators, depending on that she's clinging onto Race's arm like she's scared or something. I laugh a little at the sight. (I, for the most part, get dizzy on elevators so I'm gonna make that happen to you, I'm sorry.)

"You okay there, N/n?" I laugh.

All the attention is now on her and Crutchie starts laughing a bit.

"Yeah, elevators just normally make me a bit dizzy, that's all," she says and gives me a smile.

"Ok," I shrug it off.

The elevator doors soon open and we all pile out kinda quickly and follow Davey to his apartment. He opens his door and we all heard in and put our stuff on the flooring take our shoes off. Dear god, feel bad for Davey's parents, they have to deal with us all night.

"Welcome," Davey says with a smile. "So, we ready to get started"

A bunch of yeps answer his question and takes us to his living room. Once we get there, everyone just kinda flops somewhere and stays there.

"What game do we want to pl-" Davey starts to say as he's pulling out games.

"I didn't know you actually had friends Dave!" A little boy says.

I think everyone but Davey laughed at that. Davey just gave him a death stare.

"Why are you out here?" Davey asks.

"Because I can," he says while flopping down on the couch.

Davey sighs and says, "This is my little brother, Les," while gesturing to him.

"What are you playing?" Les asks.

"We don't know yet," Davey replies.

"You should play Twister."

There were a mostly agreements so we just played. Crutchie couldn't really play so he was just the person who tells us what we need to do. To be fair, he didn't want to play anyway so it was fine. We didn't do everyone at the same time so we would have enough circles for everyone. The others just watched til that round was over. For this round, Y/n, Race, Davey, Albert, and Specs played.

Let me tell you. It. Was. Great.

At one point Y/n was to short to reach a circle so she was pleading with people by her to move to a different circle. Also, Race was kinda over top of Y/n and he kept saying he was gonna fall and she was pleading Race to not fall because then he would also take her down and she didn't want to lose. During the round, Y/n was basically under everyone somehow. She didn't want to be, but she somehow found a way. Albert was the first one out was the first one out. Someone accidentally kicked him so he lost his balance. Then Race fell. We don't know how or why he just fell. Then it was Specs. He had to get into a position that is really hard to balance in and he fell. Now, it's the last two contestants, Y/n and Davey. It got to the point where they were so tangled up that if they fell, they would land at the same time because they would knock the other one down with them. In fact, that is exactly what happened. Y/n slipped and brought them both down and they landed at the same time.

They were both shocked for a second and then they started laughing.

I also noticed a little blush on their faces.


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