~Chapter Four~

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(Y/n's POV)
(Time skip to the end of the day)

I make sure Crutchie doesn't fall while he gets on the bus and I get on after him. I follow him to a seat and sit down after him. We live with our one living family member, which is our aunt. She's poor like our parents were before they died. She lives in a small apartment with one bedroom. Which means we all share a bedroom. We sadly could only afford two beds so Crutchie and I share a twin bed. My aunt offered me her bed, but I wanted her to have one so I declined and decided to just share a bed. But it's okay. Our aunt is extremely nice at least. We both get on our phones and show each other memes if we find them funny.

We finally get to our stop and I let Crutchie go in front of me so he can get off first. We get inside the building and go to the apartment. Our aunt isn't here yet because she works two shifts at the local restaurant. She wants to save up for a new and better apartment and get me a bed so that's what she decided to do.

After I get in the apartment I lock the door and follow Crutchie to our room. We set our bags down and I flop face-first onto our bed. Crutchie just laughs, causing me to look up, and he kinda mimics what I did, causing me to laugh.

"Hey, N/n," Crutchie says like he wants to ask me something.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"What actually happened at lunch today when the guys looked for you?"

"I said what happened when everyone asked."

"That's a lie and you know it."

I just stay silent for a bit and finally say, "Do you really really really wanna know?"

He nods his head frantically and I sigh.

"The Delanceys," I say and bury my face in our blanket.

He immediately looks more aware and concerned, "What did they do?"

"Ask Race or Jack, I don't wanna explain," I say.

"Ok," he says and grabs his phone. I'm assuming he's asking Jack because of how close they are.

It takes a minute or two before he gets a text back. He probably sent a long text.

"Oh," Crutchie says with a mixture of concern and anger in his voice.

"Yeah," I say.

"Those f-fricks," he says angrily.

I giggle a little and look up at him, "Yep."

I then grab my phone and just look at stuff and I'm pretty sure Crutchie I continuing to talk to Jack. About an hour goes by and I get a text from Race.

(Race is gonna be bold and your gonna be italics)

How are you doing?
Good. How are you?
Good. Did you tell Crutchie what happened yet?
I didn't want to so Jack did. Why?
Just wondering.
Oh, ok!

Race and I then talk about random stuff for a bit and I went back to looking at stuff after a while. (Sorry I just didn't wanna keep doing the texting thing because I'm doing this on my phone so it's annoying writing is how I want to do it.)

Soon our aunt comes home and yells, "Hello?"

"Hi, Aunt Gabriella!" Crutchie and I shout back. (I just picked a random name, sorry if it's the same as yours!)

Aunt Gabriella then comes into the room with a big smile on her face and hugs us.

"How was your guy's first day of school?" She asks.

"Great!" I give her a big to go with my answer.

"It was good," Crutchie says and gives her a  smile.

"Good! I brought some food home from the restaurant for dinner tonight!" Aunt Gabriella says.

Crutchie and I perk up and go to the kitchen and find two take out boxes on the counter. We go up to them and open them. It was our favorites! I grab Crutchie and me a fork and we start eating.

Aunt Gabriella comes out, changed and she laughs a bit, "You two aren't even gonna sit down?"

Since my mouth was full, I shook my head instead of saying anything. She just laughs again.

I swallow my food and say, "Thank you!"

Crutchie nods in agreement and muffles out a thank you with his mouth full.

"You are welcome!" Aunt Gabriella says while laughing as we stuff our faces again.

We then continue with our night, do homework eventually, and go to sleep.

Today was an okay first day.

Hi! How are you doing today and how did y'all like this chapter? I hope you enjoyed it! Have a good day/night and see ya in the next chapter! Bye!

Her Smile (DaveyxReader)Where stories live. Discover now