~Chapter Seven~

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(Davey's POV)

Y/n and I both get-up and off the thing so the next game can start. I wish we could've stayed like that though. It just felt so...right. This time Jack, Elmer, Race(again), and Les plays.

"I'm sorry," Y/n says while dusting herself off a bit.

"Oh no, you're fine!" I respond.

I notice a bit of blush on her cheeks and it looks adorable. Her smile is still there though. Her smile is gorgeous in so many ways. I notice that I'm staring so I turn my attention to the game. How are they already that tangled up? What happened?

(Crutchie's POV)

I caught Davey staring at Y/n again. The same way too. What is going on through that boy's mind? Well whatever it is, I don't like it.

I turn all my attention back to the game and what happened? I've barely said anything and they are extremely tangled up already. How?

"Get your head away from my a-" Jack starts to say.

"Language!" Davey raises his voice.

"Why?" Jack asks.

"Because there's a child!" Davey says with his voice still raised.

"Ok mom," Jack says sarcastically.

".....did you just call me mom?" Davey asks, very confused and concerned.

"Yep," Jack says popping the p.

(Davey's POV)

How does a person react to being called 'mom'?

Suddenly, I just hear Y/n giggle and I light up a bit. How does someone's giggle light you up just like that?

I look over in Crutchie's direction and see him give me a glare.

Oh fuck, I'm dead.

(Y/n's POV)

I'm so interested in the game that I don't really even notice my surroundings.

"Right foot in the air," Crutchie calls out.

As soon as they do it, that all topple to the ground on one another. A few others and I start to laugh a lot at this.

"Are you guys okay?" I manage to ask through laughs.

"Yeah," they all say.

I decide to go over and help them up. I first help up Race.

"Thanks, N/n!" He says with a big smile.

Then Jack.


Then Elmer.


And last but not least, Les.

"Thank you!"

We decide to play a few more rounds of Twister (everyone but Crutchie plays at some point), then switch to Monopoly for some ungodly reason. Les decided that he didn't want to play Monopoly so he went back into his room.

Some people had to watch or if they wanted, they could team with someone.

"Hey N/n," Crutchie says. "Wanna be my partner?"

"Hey, I wanted her!" Race jokes.

I laugh a little then say, "Sure!"

I go sit next to Crutchie and we begin. It takes three hours for the game to end, but guess who won? Crutchie and I did! Yayyyyy! I then am realizing that I'm starting to get hungry.

"I'm hungry," Race sighs.

Welp looks like I'm not the only one.

"Well we can drive to the grocery store near here and get a bunch of snacks or raid my house," Davey says.

We all look at each other and some tell him, "Store."

"Ok, let's go," Davey says while getting up and goes to grab his keys. The rest of us get up and rush to the door to get our shoes on. All of us then went into the car and sat where we sat on the ride here. He ended up turning on music so we had something to listen to.

(Race's POV)

We're on the way to the store and there's some conversation going on between people and others are just listening to the music. I take a quick look at N/n and she looks a bit tired, even though it's only about 9. I've got to give her a break though because I'm sure she fell asleep late last night, woke up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare, then woke up early. That's what normally happens. Plus, it's kinda been a long two days b

"You tired?" I whisper, wanting to make sure.

"Kinda, why?" She whispers back.

"You just look tired. If you want to sleep then I'll wake you when we're there."

"Ok, I'll take you up on that offer if I get more tired soon."

He smiles at me and we just look out the windows and listen to music till we get there.
We finally get to the store and pile out of the car.

"Want a piggyback ride?" I ask N/n cause she still looks tired.

She just nods. I get lower so she can get on my back easier and she hops on. We all just wander around and if we find something that we like that's not too expensive, we get it. I feel N/n lays her head on my shoulder mid way through shopping and her breathing seems to be at a normal pace and she goes a tad limp. She might've fallen asleep. That's probably good for her though. She might get her energy back when she wakes up so we can be energetic together.

That'll be fun.


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