~Chapter Eight~

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(Race's POV)

While we're shopping, I look around at the other guys and catch Davey practically having goo-goo eyes while looking at N/n. (Does that even make sense?)

I think I just found a new ship.

Time skip because I'm a non-creative piece of trash

We get back to the apartment and I set Y/n down on the couch and sit next to her. I had to wake her up before we got into the car and she was, thankfully, more energetic when we got back to the apartment. She did need the rest though, it's been a long week and she didn't get a whole lot of sleep. But anyways, now I won't be the only one acting like an idiot!

"Okay, what should we do since we have our snacks now?" Jack asks while putting his hands on his hips.

"Eat!" N/n says enthusiastically, which causes most of us to laugh.

We all get our snack of choice and start eating and talking.

"Hey, do you guys want to watch movies for the rest of the night?" Davey asks.

"Yeah!" most of us say excitedly.

He chuckles a little bit and turns on the TV.

Davey then asks, "What do you guys want to watch?"

"The Little Mermaid!"

"Beauty and The Beast!"


"Camp Rock!"




People were shouting out random movie titles so you couldn't really tell what the majority wanted.

"Everyone calm down!" Davey said to get our attention, "speak one at a time please!"

N/n then raised her hand to say something.

"Yes, Y/n?" Davey said, indicating for her to speak.

"Can we watch Tangled?" she asks innocently.

"Is everyone fine with that?" Davey asks.

Everyone agrees so Davey turns to N/n, tells her that we can, and plays it. We all get situated and someone turns off the lights and we watch the movie while we eat our snacks.

(Davey's POV)

Though Y/n had just taken a short nap, you could tell that she was still at least a little tired. Not going to lie, it was kind of cute when she was tired. She was kind of clingy, like a puppy that wants some love from their owner.

Once I put on the movie, I sit in an open spot and get situated with the rest of them. On the left of me is Jack and then on the right of me is Y/n. She seems excited to watch the movie. She has a smile on her face. Her smile is amazing. It's also a bit contagious to me. It shows her happiness. Whenever I see her smile, it feels like everything just stops for a moment. It makes her like a ray of sunlight. Like when something's going wrong, all you have to do is look at her smile, and everything feels better. I suddenly get pulled out of this trance by something from the movie and I realize that I've been staring at her for a couple of minutes. Oops. We continue to watch the movie and about 3/4ths of the ways through, I feel a sudden weight on my shoulder. I look over and I find that Y/n has fallen asleep on my shoulder, which I am completely fine with. It seems that Race has noticed this, depending that he is on the right of Y/n.

"I can move her off of your shoulder if you want," Race whispers.

"No, it's fine. We wouldn't want to wake her up anyways, would we," I respond while smiling.

He looks at us both, then smirks and looks back at the movie. Why'd he smirk? Does he know I have a crush on her? I feel my cheeks heat up a bit and I turn back to the movie, but I had trouble paying attention.

Soon enough the movie ends and half of us are still up, while the other half is asleep. Everyone turns to me to see what we are doing next, and they also notice the sleeping Y/n on my shoulder.

"I can play another movie," Race offers, breaking the silence.

Everyone is fine with this and Race gets up to get another movie going. He ends up not asking any of us what we want to watch and just plays The Little Mermaid. Yeah, we all ended up falling asleep during the movie.

Sorry that this chapter wasn't very good. I hope that you have a good day/night, bye-bye

Her Smile (DaveyxReader)Where stories live. Discover now