~Chapter Nine~

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(Y/n's POV)

I suddenly jolt awake with a gasp from a nightmare of, once again, my parents death. I hate having these nightmares.

"Y/n?" a tired voice next to me calls out quietly.

I see a tall figure on the left of me turn towards me. "Hi Davey."

"I heard you gasp, are you okay? Did you have a nightmare?" Davey asks concerned.

"I'm fine and yeah, I had a nightmare. Nothing you have to worry about though, you can go back to sleep."

"I want to make sure you get back to sleep first. Is there anything you would like to help you get back to sleep? Do you want me to turn on a movie or do you want some music on or-"

"D-do you mind giving me a hug?" I say while fidgeting with my hands, "sorry, it's just normally what my brother does to help. You don't have to give me a hug if you don't want to."

To my surprise though, he wraps his long arms around my body. It takes me a second to react, but I soon wrap my shorter arms around his to return the hug. He is a very warm person. He's like a human heater. I relax and nuzzle my head into his chest(does that even make sense? Sorry). Because of his warmth and my tiredness, I end up falling asleep in his arms.

(Time skip to wake up time)

I stir awake to the sound of voices that belong to people who decided to wake up and not be quiet.

Turns out my brother was one of those people, which I found out soon enough from him saying, "morning N/n!"

I respond with a tired noise. I want to go back to sleep. I try to get comfortable again but realize that the couch doesn't feel like a couch. What the frick. I become more aware and awake because of this. I feel arms wrapped around my waist lightly. I open my eyes, curious on why the couch suddenly felt weird and why there are arms around me.

Oh. I'm on a person. A very lengthy person. I look up confused and see that the lengthy human is Davey. I feel my face flush and I try to get up, but Davey decides to wrap his arms tighter around me. Gosh darn it.

"Hey guys," I say quietly, not wanting to wake up Davey. "Could you help me real quick? Please."

The guys soon realize my situation and start laughing a bit.

"Um let me check my schedule," Race says while looking at a pretend watch on his wrist. "Sorry, I'm booked," he says and starts laughing with the others.

"Guuyyyyysss!" I whine, which causes them to laugh a bit more.

I try to get up again, but Davey just holds on even tighter. Why won't he let go? I try again and guess what. He just holds on tighter. Ya know, I should probably just give up, but I'm a determined motherfricker. That means I'm gonna try again until I get out. Yeah the pattern continued for about four more times until I couldn't really move. I've now given up and put my face in Davey's chest. (Hey this is just a quick note! I was going to make a moment of Davey's POV during this moment but I didn't know where to put it so I'm just going to tell you that Davey's awake and he's pretending to be asleep right now and he pretty much just doesn't want Y/n to leave so he keeps wrapping his arms around her tighter. Hopefully that makes sense. Anyways, back to the story!)

"Guys, can you please help me now? I can't move. Pretty please!" I say with a sad voice.

"For a buck I might," someone says joking which causes people to laugh.

After a few seconds, I hear someone sigh and get up. Yay! Yeah turns out that helping me was a way different way then I imagined. I thought that they were going to just help me get Davey's arms off me but nope. They decided to wake him up. Someone started slapping his face lightly. Then I hear another person get up.

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