Getaway Car 2

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She's gone.

What the fuck!

I roam my bloodshot eyes that are still brimming with tears around the vicinity of the motel.

The car is gone. Her bag is gone. Her gun is gone. She is gone.

I kick the door to our motel room out of frustration and scream my anger out to the empty room. What the fuck am I gonna do now? I can't be without her. I can't!

"Hey, what's going on?" I hear Samantha's squeaky voice come from behind me.

Slowly, I turn to face her and when my eyes land on hers, it finally hits me. What the fuck have I done? Holy shit, I don't want this girl. I don't want her and I don't want any other girls. I only want one and now she's gone. She's gone and left me because of this... no, because of me. I made her choose to leave me because I'm a piece of shit who only thinks with his dick and not his brain.

"Give me your keys," I tell her as I walk to the bedside table where my gun is tucked inside the draw. It's heavy in my hand but not as heavy as my heart or as disconcerting as the churning in my gut. I feel sick. So bloody sick to my stomach that I want to fucking vomit all over the floor.

"What? Why?" She asks, confusion lacing her voice and marring her features I first saw beautiful. Now, she just looks plain and boring and nothing in comparison to Jo.

How the fuck did I think this girl was something else? I guess you only realize the shit you've done once the consequences hit you like a bullet train straight to your gut.

tucking the handgun behind me, I start stuffing my strewn clothes and whatever she left me with in my duffel bag, my jaw ticking with rage and and my head swimming with fucking anxiety. I can hear the seconds tick by and with that, I can feel her drifting farther and farther away from me. She left almost an hour ago, I reckon. Plenty of time to lose me if that's really her plan but that's not fucking happening. She should have just shot me if she wanted to get rid of me that easily.

Once my duffel bag is slung over one shoulder, I take wide steps to the door where Samantha is still standing, gaping and waiting for me to explain. Right. I almost forgot she asked me something. I put my hand out, palm up, and motion for her to give me her car key.

"Are we going somewhere?" She says, placing the key on my palm.

Curling my fingers around it, I brush past her and head to the bar where she works. That's probably where she parks her car. She runs after me, calling out my name but I don't look back and offer her any explanation. Her car unlocks when I press the button-a Toyota sedan. Normal, inconspicuous. Perfect.

"Hero, wait! Where are we going?" She pants behind be just as I slide into the driver's seat. I slam the door shut, locking it, and start the engine whilst she taps her hands on the window next to me. "Hero, what the hell! Hey, what do you think you're doing?"

Groaning, I pull the window halfway down so I can tell her, "I'm borrowing your car for the night. I'll make sure to return it tomorrow. Don't dare calling on the coppers or I'll make sure your face will be in every porn site. Remember that video last night?" I give her a tired and forced smile. I need to go and she's wasting my time.

"No. You can't do that," she whispers in shock and disbelief. Well, disenchantment really is the word.

I can see it in her eyes that she was hoping for more. I thought that I wanted more of her too but that was just a massive joke and now look at me. I'm trying to run after the girl who stole my car, my money and my fucking heart because she thought this... this girl who is desperately pounding against her own car is what I want. I was wrong and she is so bloody wrong. We're both idiotically wrong.

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