Publicity Stunt

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"Josephine! Hero! Right here please!"

"Can you comment on the rumors about the two of you dating?"

"Sources say you guys hang out a lot during filming, is that what keeps the chemistry alive?"

"Hero! Are you planning on visiting Perth with Josephine after the promo?"

"Josephine, are you staying here in London and meeting Hero's family and friends once promo ends?"

I continue to walk with my head down alongside Hero as we make our way into the hotel. The blinding flashes from the paparazzi is already giving me a massive headache and even though all I want to do is scream at them to shut the fuck up with those stupid fucking rumors, all I do is lift the corners of my lips up as a subtle way of confirmation. At the very last moment before we finally disappear into the hotel, Hero places his arm over my shoulders. Once we're inside and his publicist nods her head, signalling that the coast is clear, I shrug his arm off me and take a few steps away from him like he has some kind of contagious disease but instead of being offended, the asshole just lets out a chuckle.

"What's so funny?" I ask, rolling my eyes in irritation before turning towards the lift. I feel him and the rest of the team follow behind me.

"You act like you don't like me touching you like that when we both know that isn't the case," he remarks with a hint of amusement in his voice.

Where is Maria when I need her? I really don't want to deal with him right now but seeing as we are all crammed into this small lift, I guess it can't be helped. You'd think spending majority of the last three years of my career with him that I'd be happily in a friendly relationship with my co-star but oh my fucking god if he isn't the most infuriating and annoying piece of shit I've ever come across in my entire life.

When we first met, I actually thought he was a decent guy. We exchanged quick greetings of "hi" and "hello" at the lobby of our hotel in Atlanta and then went to dinner with the production team. I was quickly proven wrong, though. At the end of that one week rehearsal period, he unabashedly showed his true colors. He annoyed the hell out of me like literally he'd go out of his way to find out my pet peeves and do exactly those just to get a fucking rise out of me. He knew how much I hated the smell of cigarettes. Well, guess what? He's like a freaking chimney, belching smoke every five seconds around me. The worst part is the way he disrespected my then boyfriend when he visited me in Atlanta one weekend which ultimately caused our breakup, and he's done the same thing to every guy I've been with since then.

For the last three years, I've suffered through all this for the sake of a contract I signed in 2018. Don't get me wrong. I love Anna and I'll be forever grateful that she casted me to portray Tessa Young. The amount of publicity and all the opportunities that opened up for me since being announced as Tessa has been nothing but overwhelming. I just hate that I have to continue acting even after filming.

Why, you ask?

Part of the contract I signed was for me to be in a PR relationship with my co-star a.k.a Hero Fiennes-Tiffin a.k.a. the bane to my existence until the fourth and very last movie's release.

The provision is simple, starting off with speculations and tiny hints here and there, upping the ante every new movie promo until our management announces our relationship to the public right before the release of the last movie.

For the first movie's promo, we'll have to act flirty but just subtle enough that it won't look forced-quick glances, subtle commentaries, innocent touches and mixed with a little awkwardness, and dodging questions about our chemistry with a very well practiced "good casting" answer. Just enough to make the fans and media curious and wanting more. For the second movie's promo which is the one we are in the last leg of right now here in London, we'll have to give a little sneak peeks to the paparazzi just like that confirmatory smirk I just did back there for their questions and that last second arm-drape Hero did before the doors closed behind us. Our flirting during interviews have been upped by a few notches of him offering drinks to me, me holding the mic for him, us sitting beside each other closer than what is considered professional for two who claim to only be co-stars, innocent whispers while interviews are going on to give the impression that we are having some private moment in front of the cameras.

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