Publicity Stunt 6

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I am shitting myself. Fuck! I'm so bloody nervous, it's not even funny.

I'm gonna see her again. After months since I last saw her, I'm finally going to see her and I can't fucking control myself. My legs are bouncing nervously, my hands are sweaty as hell and every single cell in my body is buzzing in anticipation. All my senses are tuned towards the door, waiting for it to open and for a certain petite blonde Australian fireball.

We've been in Bulgaria for fifteen days now, all hauled up in our own individual rooms for quarantine before we're cleared to join the rest of the production team and casts. Josephine and I have been in the same hotel for fifteen days and I wasn't even allowed to get a glimpse of her. That shit almost drove me bloody insane if it weren't for the constant and steady streams of text exchanges, calls and on the very rare occasion when she's in a fantastic mood or if I don't annoy or piss her off, she'd even accept my facetime calls.

But I want to see her. I want to touch her. I want to kiss her, goddamn it!

Chill, man. She'll be here soon enough.

I don't really know what this means for me... or for us. Fuck, I don't even know if she's single or still with that bloody thin-lipped prick. All I know is that she's talked to me more this past fourteen days than we ever had since we first met in Atlanta three years ago. If it's out of boredom on her part then I don't mind, not one bit. I'll take whatever crumbs she throws my way if it means I get to hear her talk about her favorite shitty Marvel movies or her cat. Fuck, I'm so whipped for this girl and she isn't even mine. But she will be... soon enough.

"Hero, relax. God, you're so tensed," Shane chuckles in amusement, glancing sideways at me.

"I can't. Where the hell is she? The table read is about to start," I huff, anxiously running my hand through my now longer hair.

"I don't know but she'll be here." He doesn't even have to ask who I'm talking about. Knowing how close he is with Jo, I'm not surprised he knows about my current obsession with his best friend. "You know she hates being late in just about everything. Why don't you call her? I know you two are always on the phone with each other," he teases.

I roll my eyes but do exactly as he says, fishing my phone out from my pocket and hitting the first name on my favorite contacts before bringing the device to my ear. It rings a couple of times before I am blessed to hear her soothing voice.

"Hey, what's up?" She asks, popping the p on up in the most adorable manner. Fuck, I'm such a loser for this girl.

"Table reading's about to start; where are you?" I intend for the words to come out harsh as I feign annoyance but being the love-sick puppy that I am for her, it comes out soft and desperate even.

"I am..." she trails off, pausing dramatically before she continues, "here."

There door where I've had my eyes completely glued to swings open, revealing the girl I've been missing like fucking hell for the past couple of months. Our eyes lock for the briefest of seconds before I almost leap out from my seat, knocking the poor thing down on the floor with a loud thud. I take long and determined strides towards her with my eyes wide and never leaving hers and my heart beating so erratically, I'm afraid it might rip its way out of my chest.

In no time at all, we are face to face. Her cheeks are slightly flushed and her lips are deliciously pink and parted and her eyes... damn, her eyes are magnificently bright and enthralling. They sparkle with so much life and wonderment and brightness. The little beauty mark on her left cheek just adds to her overall enticement. How the fuck did I never notice all these details before? Am I blind or some shit?

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