One Night Stand 3

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I have never been more wound up in the entire twenty years of my life than I have been these past week since seeing her again. No, not only seeing her but also finding out she'll be playing my love interest in this movie. I'm a lucky fucking bastard.


I laugh at the name Sarah which I came up with because of her stubbornness in refusing to let me know her real name. Since that night, she's never left my mind. I've lived through an entire month of endless nights staring up at the ceiling and replaying that night, recounting every detail from that night we spent together. I remember more and more seemingly minuscule details each and every time which only adds to my obsession with her.

I've tried searching for her digital footprint but with only a face without a name that comes with it, it was a lost cause. Lord knows how many times I've stalked Katherine's Instagram just to see if I can find a sign of her there but it was futile. Josephine Langford. Fuck, why have I never made that connection before? Now that I think about it, there is an uncanny resemblance to them but my stupid ass self never realised that until I found out her full name a week ago.

No one's ever affected me before like she does. The moment I saw her enter that pub in London, the moment I saw her shift uncomfortably as they scanned the slightly crowded pub, the moment I saw her beautiful face with those stunning and hypnotising eyes, the moment she walked and I saw her hips sway with every step she took... fuck! I knew I wanted her. Everything about her is so natural and unforced and so unlike all the other women I've came across. My mates were all giving me shit for blatantly staring at the beautiful blonde seated across from our booth who only spared me a few seconds of her time when our eyes finally met. And that's all it took for me to muster up the courage and jumped the gun when I saw her walked towards the bar. Thank fuck she didn't cuss me out after I shamelessly invited myself over to their booth. She was quite reserved at first and I liked it. It was refreshing not having her throw herself at me like most women I come across with. She was reserved but polite and as our conversation progressed, she quickly warmed up to me. I thank my charm and Diesel for that. Okay, maybe it was more my man Diesel than my charm, but still.

When she wouldn't tell me her name, I found myself on a mission to gain her trust and have her properly introducing herself to me but even in the heat of our night spent in her hotel room, she wouldn't budge. I liked the game she was playing-mysterious rendezvous with a stranger-but I yearned more than just that one night stand. I wanted to know her, to unravel this mysterious Australian gem who's captivated me. I fully intended to stay and get to know her, earn her trust and maybe see where things would go between us even with the idea of her only being in London for a quick visit, but my man Diesel needed me and I couldn't stay even if my whole heart was breaking in two the moment I closed her hotel door behind me.

And now, here I am outside her hotel room and hyperventilating with a massive hard on she's caused since rehearsals earlier today. I'm so fucking nervous yet so fucking excited at her open invitation.

"Tonight. My room. Bring condoms."

I think I came just from those words alone.

Fuck! I pat my side pockets, making sure I have enough condoms to last us the night. That night, we used up all six I had kept in my jeans and wallet and thank fuck I had that many. Okay, before you judge me, let me just explain. No, those condoms weren't only for me; I tend to bring a few extras for when my mates have emergencies because those wankers are stupid sometimes. I would have kissed myself that night if I could for bringing all those protection because Jo and I were insatiable for each other. I found myself instantly hard again after just a few minutes from the last orgasm and she was... fuck, she was so hot and needy for my cock, I lost count of how many times she came around me that night. Ten's enough for tonight, right? Fuck it, I can just run back to my room and get some more if-

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