This Love

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Perception is a game of the mind. You think you know exactly what is happening from the looks of it or bits and pieces of information but if you look at it in a different perspective, at a different vantage point, then you'll realize how wrong you are.

People think they know me because I present to them the Hero they all love and adore. The hearthrob Hero. The model turned actor Hero. The heartbreaker and notorious playboy Hero. An image my team has intricately made for me.

Truth is, I'm just the same guy I was before fame took over my entire fucking life. Yes, I've dated but practically ninety percent of those being published in rumor mags and articles are all false, all for publicity. I've only ever had like, what? Two real yet very short-lived relationships after ​her.

How the bloody hell did I come to this? I agreed to do it one time and now this is what I've come to be known for in public. Models, actresses, daughters of dignified politicians and businessmen. I go for a cup of coffee with a girl and minutes later, I'm on every gossip page saying I'm in a whirlwind romance with said girl.

"I still think you should've agreed to take Valerie tonight as your date. You have a plus one and she needs the publicity," Karl snides. He's one of Jamie's associates and if I'm being honest, it all went south when he jumped into our ship almost ten years ago. I shouldn't have listened to him.

"I'm not in the mood to play pretend for the night. If I had better things to do, I wouldn't even be coming to this event at all," I tell him whilst straightening the lapels of my coat and checking my reflection for the last time. I catch a glimpse of Jamie in the corner of the room, her face glued to her phone and not even paying much attention to mine and Karl's exchange. "Jamie, are we going or what? We're gonna be running late."

She peels her eyes from her phone screen and looks up to me, her blue eyes shining with wary.

"What?" I press, confusion knitting my brows together.

"She's there. She's Katherine's plus one."

Sucking in a harsh and surprised breath, I reel my emotions in. She's already there, with her sister. I'm going to see her again after almost ten years. My heart races and my stomach churns and twists restlessly but I keep my face blank. Jamie's still watching me with careful and scrutinizing blue eyes. We've known each other for so long, far too long that I know no matter how hard I suppress and mask what I'm feeling right now, she knows. She always does.

"Do you still want to-,"

"Yeah, of course. Maybe Jo and I might be able to catch up for a bit, you know? It's been how long? Ten years since the last premier," I say. Easy and breezy like I haven't been counting the years that had passed, or stalking her over the years.

It's not an easy fit trying to keep up with her. She's such a bloody hermit that aside from her projects, I couldn't find anything about her. I was surprised when I learned that she got married. No photos, no announcements; just a photo posted by Katherine of the beachfront altar facing somewhere in Perth about five years ago. After that, she went on hiatus. There were rumors about her marrying a son of a wealthy Aussie business, that she was carrying their firstborn that's why the wedding was so sudden.

I'm happy for her. I'm glad that she found a good man, someone not in the limelight. She always wanted a simple life which, unfortunately, contradicted her passion for acting. She hated flaunting herself, hated having her personal life dragged whichever way the media and public wanted it to be portrayed for their own selfish benefit. That's why she never wanted to confirm our relationship because she didn't want for it to be put under a microscope.

She's back, though. Five years outside the spotlight and now she's back. So she's married and has a four year-old son. While I'm single and couldn't find a decent girl to date for longer than six months. Fantastic.

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