Who Would You Take To A Wedding?

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"... and you know what he said?" Felix's eyes flicker to meet mine for a fraction of a second through the mirror before he gets distracted again, not even waiting for my response when he continues. "He said he doesn't fucking care as long as we show up, smile, and act like proper gentlemen in front of Karli and her family. He doesn't fucking care whoever we bring to the wedding, man."

From watching Felix adjust his bow tie, I peel my eyes off his reflection and toss my phone half way up to the ceiling and catch it with my one hand before it hits me square in the face. "I reckon you're bringing your girl?" I ask halfheartedly, distractedly.

"'Course I am."

I toss my phone again, letting out a bored sigh upon catching it with my other hand this time. It's been three months since my last project wrapped and I'm bored as fuck waiting for good news from Jamie. Not that I haven't been going around doing other modelling gigs. I've just gotten back from a fashion show in Milan and I'm set to shoot another magazine editorial. But it's just different working on set, you know? The anticipation of playing a new character, the process of putting myself in its shoes, even the hectic schedule of filming, and finally seeing the entire thing on the big screen and the pride that comes along with it... I fucking crave that shit.


Startled, I look at Felix, who now faces me with a mixed look of puzzlement and annoyance. I open my mouth, intending to ask him what he wanted but my phone hits me at the bridge of my nose and I wince, hissing from the pain that shoots all over my face. My phone lands beside me on my bed just as it lights up with a notification.

Felix cackles in my expense. "Man, that was so deserved. I've been yapping and yapping and you aren't even listening to me."

Cursing under my breath and massaging my throbbing nose bridge, I grumble to him, "What?"

"I was asking who among your throngs of lady-friends are you bringing as your date to the wedding." He arches a brow at me, a knowing expression taking over his face.

"I do not have throngs of lady-friends," I clarify, which he doesn't seem to take seriously as he simply shrugs his shoulders while putting on his black jacket and turning around to appraise his full look.

"Sure, sure. Whatever you say, H," he says with a smirk on his lips. "So... who'll be the lucky lady?" he continues to press nonetheless. Annoying shit.

I glare at the back of his head, still pissed at the pain pulsing on my face. Jamie won't be thrilled to see a bruise on my face days before a photoshoot just as she wasn't thrilled to see the scar that slashed my eyebrow two years ago.

"No one." And that's the truth. I haven't even thought about bringing anyone with me to Garrison's wedding until Felix brought up the subject.

"No, seriously, man. Who're you bringing? Everyone's bringing dates."

Remembering the notification, I retrieve my phone and unlock it with a zing of hope in my chest that it'd be an email or text from Jamie. Maybe a callback, or another audition, or a script she wants me to consider. Anything.

"Oi, FT!" he persists to bring my attention back to him even with my apparent disinterest.

"You're fucking annoying, Felix. I said..." I trail off, blinking down at the screen of my phone. This can't be right.

"Yeah, I heard what you said. But at least bring Mercy, man. You know everyone's gonna be up your ass the entire fucking night if you show up alone. Karli's bridesmaids..."

I tune Felix's rambling out and refocus on the text from the last person I expected to text me at the moment. Well, that's not entirely true. Josephine and I have kept in contact and remained good friends after working together. We've exchanged a few texts every now and then, but they were always far in between. We always preferred voice calls, more so FaceTime whenever we wanted to chat and catch up.

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