Publicity Stunt 4

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Cotton candy.

That's the first thing I think about the moment I kiss her. I never noticed it before but Josephine Langford tastes like cotton candy. Fuck. I've kissed this woman so many times, too many goddamn times to even count but I've never once taken notice of how pillowy soft, how intoxicatingly sweet, how deliciously addictive she is.

And bloody fucking hell, I don't ever want to stop kissing her. Ever.

My fingers dig through her silky soft locks, tilting her head at an angle to deepen the kiss while my other arm snakes around her back to pull her body flush against mine, molding every soft curve against the hard plains of my own. The soft moan my action is eliciting from her drowns into my mouth with nowhere to escape as I ravenously devour her.

Everything about her is so soft. Everything about her is so addictive. Everything about her just drives me mental.

She has always been too good for me. Always has been way out of my league. Always has been out of my reach. Until now. Now , she's wrapped inside my arms, latched on to my body, returning my desire with equal passion as her lips move in perfect sync with mine, her tongue gliding in the most familiar yet strikingly new way that I've never once experienced in my entire life.

But all too soon, it gets ripped out of my grasp as her tiny hands rest upon my chest and pushes me off of her. Harsh, brutal and crippling rejection washes over me as I blink away the desire glazing over my eyes and see her backing away from me with those wide, frantic eyes that reflect nothing but shock and regret.

"Hero, what the... w-what... what the fuck?!" she stammers, her lips still very swollen and raw from our exchange and I want nothing more than to take her again and kiss the fucking breath out of that pretty little mouth of hers.

"What do you think, Jo? I kissed you and you pretty damn well kissed me back." Now come here and let me taste you again, please.

"I mean why the fuck did you do that?" She yells, her words spitting out from her sinful lips like bullets aimed straight at me.

"Why do you think a guy would kiss a woman, Josephine?" I challenge her back, vaguely aware of the condescending way my tone has shifted.

She gawks at me for a quick second before straightening her posture and tilting her face up defiantly whilst her beautiful blue-grey eyes throw daggers at me. My god, she's stunning.

"This is all you know what to do, isn't it, Hero? You want to drive me fucking insane with your stupid games. You annoy me, you meddle with my personal life, you'd do anything and everything just to get under my skin. Is that what pleases you? Do you really hate me that much that you'd go to this length just to fuck with my head?"

"Hate you?" I scoff. Is she stupid or something? "You think I'd kiss you if I hated you? Look, I know I gave you so much shit the past couple of years since we met and I'm sorry. It's just... I've always... I've always liked you but you were just too stubborn to see it," I finally admit.

"I don't believe this," she sighs, exasperation lacing her sweet accented voice. "I don't believe you."

Fuck, that shit hurts.

"Then why'd you kiss me back?" I desperately ask her. I take a step forward but she takes three steps back like a deer caught in a trap.

"No, I didn't," she shakes her head, whispering her answer more to herself than to me.

Yeah, keep telling that to yourself, woman.

"Stop bloody lying to yourself, Jo. You kissed me back. Your lips moved with mine, your tongue was in my mouth. I could still taste you up to now."

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