One Night Stand 4

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It's the last day of filming and Katherine's been blowing up my phone to confirm my arrival in the next two days but I just don't have the energy to face this... yet. I've been putting off deciding whether to go through visiting her in London or just stay back in LA. The very reason why I even thought about booking a flight to London was because of a certain green-eyed Brit that's completely captured both my heart and my soul in the last months. But alas, I found out he actually has someone waiting for him there. So what's the fucking point of going through with it now?

Aside from putting off my decision about London, I've also continued acting as if nothing's changed between Hero and I. After my short mental breakdown upon hearing him promise that girl that he'll be seeing her in two weeks time, I picked myself up and brushed the dust off my knees. I'm an actress; I could fool anyone including him. We're alright. Nothing's changed. We're just fooling around. I haven't developed any sort of deep feelings for him whatsoever.

I deliberately came back to the hotel fairly late in the evening that day, making sure Hero's returned to his own room so I'm left alone with my thoughts and push back the talk he asked of me before I left. The following day, he confronted me if there was anything wrong and when I said no, he followed it up with a "why were you acting so weird yesterday?" I told him it must have been my hormones since it was that time of the month. He never pressed further after that which I'm thankful for.

Filming goes smoothly and we ended right on schedule before we retreated back to our trailers to pack our things. The wrap party will be later tonight. I've already packed most of my things, the only stuff I have left are the After Ever Happy book I've yet to finish reading and a few toiletries. I change out of Tessa's outfit in favor of my own, neatly folding and placing the costume on the couch before plopping right beside it. Hero will be coming to get me so we can go join the rest of the cast and crew at the wrap party down by the studio.

A few minutes later, soft knocks disrupt me from my moment of solitude followed by Hero coming into my trailer, a gym bag slung across his shoulder. He smiles and drops the bag down by the door before joining me on the couch. He takes my hand in his and lazily traces small circles on my open palm as we sit in silence.

"Can we talk before we join the party?" he asks, his deep accented voice barely above a whisper, his brilliant green eyes boring into me like they always do.

I knew this day would come and I thought I was prepared to say goodbye but I find it hard to breathe as reality settles deep in my gut. Instead of answering with actual words, I just nod my head yes.

"I know we haven't talked about us and what will happen now that filming has wrapped but I really like you, Jo. I want to see where this goes between us."

Is he for fucking real? He wants to continue whatever the hell we're doing even when he lives in London and I'll be in LA for most of the time. What would that even be like? Not to mention he already has another girl waiting on him back home.

"Hero, you and I both know it won't work. The distance will be our greatest enemy and I'd rather keep things casual between us after this," I tell him, pulling my hand out from his grasp and tearing my eyes from his, focusing on the wall right in front of me as if it holds the most interesting work of art I have ever seen. It's better than to have him see through my lie.

"We can try. I'm sure we can figure shit out to make it work. I often fly to LA so I'll get to see you every now and then before promo for After starts. We'll be together for an entire month for that and then... and then..." he's struggling with his words and I don't dare try to look at him, afraid that those damn green eyes might sway my decision about this.

"And then ruin everything if it doesn't work out," I sigh in conclusion. "We can't do that to Anna and Jennifer and the rest of production, Hero. We've had fun. Truly, I don't regret spending my time with you throughout this process but it's time to go back to our own lives. Let's just have fun at the party, alright? It's our last day here, let's make the most of it."

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