Getaway Car

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"Put the money in the bag," I calmly instruct the the disgusting old pig behind the cash register of this dingy pawnshop, nodding my head down at the open hand bag on top of the glass case between us.

He looks at me like I'm fucking with him and as if any minute now, hidden cameras will start to appear and tell him this was all a prank. Normally, I wouldn't be as affected about this as I am now but I've been feeling a little off lately and it's showing through my temper. I feel Hero approaching from behind me and knowing exactly what he'll do, I take my own semi-automatic out from behind me and aim it right on this fucker's forehead.

"Now!" I growl.

That fact that I'm barely five and a half feet tall doesn't fucking help with my attempt to be intimidating, add the fact that I'm a woman who carries and angelic face-Hero's words, not mine-people would really think I'm not capable of pulling the trigger of this goddamn gun.

He doesn't flinch, doesn't even blink but the way his face turns pale betrays his cool and composed demeanor. An evil smirk breaks from my lips and I lean in, whispering, "You think just because I look like this, I'm not capable of blowing your fucking brains out of your stupid head?"

I take the gun off him and hear him expel a deep breath only for him to choke when I pull the trigger and the gun goes off, shooting a bullet past his head and smashing the glass case behind him. I could feel the rush of adrenaline coursing through me at the familiar sound and the feel of the gun recoiling in my hand. It's such a fucking high, I can't even control the stupid grin on my face.

"Please don't shoot. I'll give you every last scent," he cries, he motherfucking cries as he starts taking out all the cash from the register and shoving it into the bag with his trembling hands.

I almost feel bad for the guys until I feel Hero lean down and hiss from behind me, "Baby, hurry up. We need to go."

"I don't have all day. Hurry the fuck up!" I yell, causing the guy to drop some of the cash down on the floor. For fuck's sakes! I'm losing my fucking temper and Hero's right, we need to go soon.

"That's all of it. Please, don't shoot me," he begs while pushing the bag filled with crumpled bills.

Hero grabs the bag with one hand while his free hand takes mine as he pulls me out of the pawnshop, all the while I continue to aim the gun at the guy who now looks like he just shit and pissed his pants. Once we're out of the door, we make a run to our waiting car. Hero tosses me the bag as he gets into the driver's seat and I duck into the passenger's seat. I throw the bag behind me to the backseat and shout, "Go, go, go, baby!" My eyes dart out on all directions to check if there are any cops in sight, my heart hammering against my chest.

It doesn't tale long before we're zipping and flying through the Las Vegas traffic, cops nowhere to be found. I laugh out loud knowing that we got away yet again, taking the cap off my head and tossing it behind to join the bag of cash as well as the gun in my hand that's now one bullet lighter than it was before the heist.

This is my favorite part after every heist. The feel of the wind on my hair, Hero driving right beside me and coming down from the high yet feeling my entire body still buzzing. Feeling like we are Bonnie and Clyde, making our great escape.

"You are mental, love," Hero chuckles, shaking his head and looking at me sideways before bringing his eyes back on the road ahead.

I throw my head back in laughter knowing how true his words are before leaning in and planting a wet open-mouthed kiss on his cheek. "You love my craziness. I bet you're turned on by it, too. Am I wrong, babe?" I tease by sliding my hand up his jean-clad thigh and cupping the obvious bulge in his crotch area. "Oops, guess not then," I giggle, biting my lower lip while gently palming him through his jeans.

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