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February 14, 2028

I tug at my bowtie as the car zips through the streets of Perth. It's fucking hot despite the car's air conditioning and I imagine how completely opposite the weather would have been if we were in London right now. It would be freezing cold. I almost laugh aloud at how fate has brought two very different people from two opposite sides of the planet to meet and end up together. Who would have thought?

"Stop fucking fidgeting, man. You're growing on my last fucking nerves," Felix snaps at me while pulling my hand off of my tie and quickly letting it go when I glare at him.

"It's just so fucking hot wearing this damn suit in this weather," I complain.

"Stop bitching around. You know how important today is," he points out which instantly shuts me up.

Of course I do, wanker.

"Besides, sunny is better than rainy, innit?" He adds with a smirk.

"Yeah, definitely," I chuckle.

How disastrous would it be if it rained? The reception will be by the sea at the resort where we just came from. Josephine wouldn't be too keen about that, especially not after checking the weather forecast a million fucking times while planning this wedding. Yeah, she definitely wouldn't be happy about that.

We finally pull up to the church and the car stop right in front of its steps. Felix and I slide out at each or our sides and for the tenth time, I curse at the hot weather. I instantly feel myself sweat like a fucking pig as the two of us make our way up the steps. Families and close friends are here to witness this day and everyone is abuzz with excitement as they see us joining them just by the door of the church.

"You look dashing, dear," Elizabeth smiles widely at me and then says the same thing to Felix before we are prompted by the wedding planner that Jo is already by the gate.

We all move into position just like what we rehearsed, my heart hammering against my chest so hard and loud, I barely keep track of what's happening around me.

This is it. This is the day.

My hands are clammy when it's my queue to walk down the aisle. As I do, I smile at the guests staring at me though I am so lost in this moment. I think I saw Anna and some of our friends from the After movies. I can't think about anything though, except for her and the life we will have after this day. I train my eye on the altar and feel my stomach riot with all my pent-up nerves.

I stand by the foot of the altar with Felix standing besides me. The wedding entourage continue to march their way up, only to disperse to the few front pews reserved for them. The string quarter is playing a melody that's both sweet and dreamy-the same tune she's made me listen to since the proposal. I look around and actually see the entire picture for the first time like I've just come out of a dream and I'm only seeing all these things with clarity.

The church has been completely transformed into a white rose garden, dotted here and there with greens and countless of baby's breath. Along the aisle, at the door, and entire altar. It smells so sweet, just like how she loves the smell of roses although I will never be able to understand why.

Everyone's head is now turned to the doors which was closed after Katherine walked through them a few moments ago. Now she's standing opposite Felix and I, her head turned to the same direction as everyone else. Finally, I follow their eyes and watch as the heavy ancient wooden doors of this church crack open little by little, the light coming in from the outside through the crack brightening half end of the aisle until it's wide open.

Josephine stands there in the most beautifully intricate white lace wedding gown, her sheer and thin veil unable to mask her beauty and in her hands is a bouquet of soft pink roses with baby's breath. She's smiling so wide and bright and her eyes are glazed with tears she's trying so hard to hold back as she starts her march.

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