Who Would You Take To A Wedding? Pt. 2

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Snip! Snip!

There. Now the butterflies in my chest can no longer take flight when my date-when Hero, when Hero arrives.

Inhale. Exhale.

That's better. Now my breathing is back to normal. There has got to be something in the air here in London that's got me catching for breath and clutching my chest. My poor heart can only take too much pounding in such a short span of time.

After giving myself another once-over in front of the full-length mirror, a satisfied smile creeps at the corner of my lips that eventually turns into a full-blown teeth-flashing, eyes-crinkling smile.

Okay, Jo. That's enough. You look like a love-struck puppy.

I wipe the smile right off my face. Nope, I can't have myself smiling so wide people might think I'm too ecstatic to be attending a wedding where I only know one person, and he's neither even the groom nor bride.

I'm a plus one. It's not a big deal. It shouldn't be a big deal.

Except it does feel like a big deal.

I don't know what changed or when or how, but the moment I saw him smiling so fucking wide outside that restaurant the other day with his dimple indenting his cheek and his green eyes shining, my heart skipped several beats. I almost thought it stopped working for a moment before it kick-started, uncharacteristically thrashing inside my chest.

As though threatening to rip its way out. As if it didn't belong there. Like my heart didn't belong to me. Not anymore.

It was all so sudden and out of the blue my head spun in bewilderment. But I quickly masked it by waving him over and reciprocating his bright smile with my own and hoping to God he wouldn't see right through me. That would have been weird as hell.


Taking my eyes off from scrutinizing every inch of my reflection-in a sage form-fitting midi dress, my curled locks tied in a polished ponytail, my face made-up-I skip over to my nightstand to find the text I've been anticipating.

Hero: I sent you a ride. Should be there right about now. Sorry, I couldn't fetch you, but I'll see you in a bit?

The smile I've successfully tamped a little while ago emerges once again, and my fingers automatically fly over the keys like they have a mind of their own.

Me: Don't worry about it. Can't wait to see you strut your stuff down the aisle. Bet you'd look like a model *wink emoji*
Hero: It's not Milan, but this will have to do. I know how much you're DYING to see me on the runway *smirk emoji*

I'm too busy typing my reply to register the loud giggle that escapes my stretched lips.

Me: Dammit! Was I too obvious?
Me: See you xo


I'm not totally against the idea of marriage, but I'm also not scrambling to find anyone to meet me down the aisle. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be. But if or when I do decide on marriage one day, I always imagined myself walking down a sandy aisle to a tropical-themed wedding ceremony. Completely different from the ethereal aesthetic of Hero's friend's wedding, yet it's giving the tropical wedding in my head a run for its money.

Vibrant blooms in tall, elegant white vases adorn the round tables. Overhead is a giant white canopy that cascades gracefully down the walls. Muted lighting and soft music engulf the guests as we wait for the bride and groom to make their entrance as Mr. and Mrs.

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