Publicity Stunt 3

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"What do you mean no?" I ask, frowning.

"No, as in no, Jo. I'm not fucking helping you talk your way out of our contract," he says bluntly and I swear there is nothing I want to do more than to rip his fucking head off.

"Hero, you owe me!" I raise my voice almost in a petulant manner, almost stomping my feet on the floor. I could feel my anger bubbling to the surface.

"Yeah, well..." he buckles and for a second his eyes dart around like he's looking for something that isn't there. "It's your problem getting involved with someone when we're still bound by our contracts. Not mine. I'm already getting dragged by this publicity of having my supposed girlfriend cheat on me with her new co-star. And now I have to help you get your ass out of this complication? That's all on you, Josephine."

"You are unbelievable, Hero," I breathe, disappointment washing over me.

What the hell am going to tell Tom? He's not going to be happy with this at all.

"You've always assumed the worst from me, Jo, so I don't get why this would surprise you," he says matter-of-factly, his face blank and impassive and I can't fucking read him. Like always. He's just so hard to decipher.

"I guess because unlike you, I still have faith in people changing for the better. I don't even know why I thought you'd help me. You're nothing but a selfish bastard, you know that?"

I push myself off the wall I'm leaning against and walk away without giving him another glance, making my way back to our table where Tom is waiting for me with our drinks. He has a hopeful smile on his face that I just can't bring myself to return. He notices my sour mood and quickly helps me to my seat. Such a true English gentleman, unlike someone else I know. I'm so fucking furious, my heart is hammering so hard against my chest to the point of it being painful. My face is flushed and my fisted hands are trembling on my lap. I should have slapped him, maybe that would force some sense into his stupid head.

"I reckon your conversation didn't go that well?" He observes, throwing me a sweet sympathetic smile.

I shake my head no while taking in deep calming breaths. Thank god my back is to the lounge the three are occupying or I might really just lose my shit if I see Hero's stupid face for even another second.

"Well that sucks," he sighs, plopping his back against his chair.

"I know. I'm sorry."

At my apology, he straightens his back and reaches his hand out for mine. "Hey, it's not your fault. This was never the plan. We didn't know we'd actually fall for each other when we started and your contract for After was way before we met. So you don't have to apologise for anything, sweet." He squeezes my hand before leaning down and planting a soft kiss at its back.

"You're amazing. Why can't all men be like you?"

He chuckles at my compliment. "You're just hungry, sweet," he brushes off which only makes me think how different he is with Hero.

Hero is such an arrogant piece of shit. He's so cocky and I am no way near impressed by it. He'll gobble whatever compliment he can get to feed his ginormous ego. It's so infuriating... he's so infuriating.

"We could find somewhere else if it's bothering you that much," he offers after a long pause which pulls me out of my internal Hero-bashing.

I see his eyes flicker past my shoulder and I know he's looking at their table. I give it just a second of thought before nodding in agreement. That would be much better actually. I know I'll remained pissed the fuck off for the remainder of the night knowing that that asshole is just a few meters away from me.

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