Kiddie Nemesis 2

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I freeze the moment his lips touch mine but only for the briefest second before I push him off me.

"What did you just do?!" I shout in horror and embarrassment.

"Y-you were being so... annoying. I-I just had to... shut you up," he stutters and my eyes turn to slits, my lips pursing together at his words. He seems to grow more confident at his lame excuse so he continues. "Yeah! That's why I kissed you. Why else would I do it?" He chuckles but there is absolutely nothing amusing at what he did.

My blood is boiling and I've long since forgotten why I was scared to be locked in this room with this... this... jerk!

"I hate you, Hero! I bloody hate you with all of my heart! I wish I never got to know you!" I yell at him, my eyes stinging from all the hatred I feel for this wanker standing in front of me. I could feel my entire neck and face heat up and my hands fisting at my sides, shaking with fury.

I see him blink in surprise, taking a step back like I've literally just slapped him right across his smug face. I want to, Lord do I want to slap him crazy for what he did! Pushing past him, I march towards the door and pound on it with my fists. "Let me out! Mia! Let me out, please!"

Why is no one opening this door? Had it not been seven minutes yet? I already feel like I've been trapped in here for over an entire month with awful boy. I just want to get out of here but why is nobody opening up?

"What's the big deal about what I did, anyway? I've done way worse things to you than just that kiss. It was barely even a kiss, little Jojo, and I didn't even like kissing you."

He did not just...

Whipping around to face him head on, I give him my deadliest glare. "It may not seem very important to you but I wanted my first kiss to be with someone I actually like, and not someone I loathe with all of my heart! You stole that away from me, you jerk!"

The door opens and I don't wait for his response or to see his reaction at what I just revealed and push Felix out of the way to go to Mia who has a worried expression on her face.

"What did he do to you to make you cry like this?" She asks, a scowl on her face. I didn't even know I was crying until she pointed it out.

"Let's just go home, please. I don't want to be here anymore," I hiccup, feeling everyone's gaze on me. Little Jojo, being too dramatic. I'm pretty that's what they all see in me right now.

With one final glare past my shoulder, Mia pulls me out of the house while we mumble a half-hearted birthday greeting and thank you to Camille. I can't decide whether she was sorry for whatever reason I was crying or if she's mad at me for stealing her spotlight on her own birthday party. Whatever it is, I don't dwell on it for too long and just breathe in the night air when it hits us the moment we step out of the front door.

The walk to Mia's house is silent as I'm sure she's waiting for me to tell her what just happened back there. I don't though. It's embarrassing and worthy to be forgotten about for the rest of my natural life. I'm just glad Mia knows me so well that she doesn't pester me. She allows me to get into my own little head.

How dare he do such a thing? Throwing rocks at me or planting shit in my backpack, those kinds of pranks I can take from Hero. But toying with something as crucial and as important as my first kiss is just the worst he's done to me. I meant it when I said I wanted it to be with someone I truly like but of course, that just seemed to be too much to ask so I was dealt with this.


The sleepover wasn't as fun as they normally are for Mia and I with me being too quiet and just so out of it. So instead of staying until late Saturday afternoon which I normally would have done, I bid her goodbye after asking mum for a ride home.

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